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I have recently bought a veiled baby chameleon I’m not sure of the gender or how old. We call it Loki. The first couple days he ate a lot. We’ve had him for about 2 weeks now and the last week he hasn’t been eating at all he wasn’t drinking either but we bought him the little dripped and has been drinking and looks better but he still isn’t eating and he does sleep a lot. We feed him small crickets
First, Read this, learn this, live by this! Since you're now the proud owner of a chameleon, this is your bible!
In general the resources section of this site is wonderful, it's a wealth of knowledge and contains everything you need to know for proper husbandry, I suggest bookmarking it (sadly many people don't even know of it's existence):
Second, fill in the 'how to ask for help' form from here:

Very young chameleons are still very vulnerable and can sometimes die for no obvious reason, for us to help you better it's essential to fill in the form linked above. Sleeping during the day is not normal behavior and often sign of an underlying illness.

Also be sure you hydrate him plenty, young chameleons shed often and sometimes shedding can become a problem around the eyes.
Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - Veiled chemeleon not sure of sex or age and been in my care for about 2 weeks
  • Handling - Only when cleaning cage
  • Feeding - Cricketts he always has access to food but won’t eat
  • Supplements - Muli vitamin- once a month calcium without d3 - everyday and calcium with d3- once a month
  • Watering - Little dripper, and spray every couple of hours
  • Fecal Description - Brown with orange/yellow bit attached has not been tested
  • History - Bought from pet store and told was too young to tell the sex

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Glass cage with netting at top and vent at the bottom
  • Lighting - UVB and heat lap
  • Temperature - 70-80 during the day for 12 hours and at night it gets to about 60 no light
  • Humidity - Humidity is high always in the rainforest part of the thermometer
  • Plants - We have 2 fake plants
  • Placement - On top of dresser
  • Location - BC - Canada


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In the first pic he looks skinny and dehydrated and as you say yourself that his fecal is orange and yellow. It means hes dehydrated and you need to give him more water. And how much crickets does he ussually eat? If you need to force feed then i would because he looks fairly skinny, but from the looks of the second picture he looks healthy. So this is going to be hard.
He has been drinking more than usual, we haven’t seen him eat for awhile about a week but he’s pooping so he must be. When we try to feed him with our hands he backs away and won’t let us when he was eating when we first got him he liked hunting the crickets and ate about 8 a day for the past week and a half he want eating so we thought he was dehydrated and got him the drip and sprayed him with water and ever since then we will catch him drinking
If you can get some, try feeding him something with more meat and liquid like a hornworm or a wax worm to give him a bit of a boost.
Im guessing he is bored with crickets already. He may have gotten nothing but crickets at the shop as well. I suggest black soldier fly larvae. I use a wine fridge to keep them at 56 so they last for months. when they pupate they are irresistible.
Make sure his cage is drying out in between mistings. If you mist for about 3-4 minutes each time you should only have to spray the cage about 3-4 times daily. a misting systems with an automatic timer takes all the hassle out of this. Keeping the humidity too high for long periods of time can cause respiratory infections.

Also, Check your chams back feet to determine the sex. If there is a spur/bump on the heel, its a male. No bump, female. This is why you dont take pet store employee advice... Veileds can be sexed from the day they hatch.
We have tried meal worms but he didn’t care for them and wouldn’t go Near them. For the black solder fly larva can you just put them in the cage? He doesn’t really like things in a cup or a small container
We have tried meal worms but he didn’t care for them and wouldn’t go Near them. For the black solder fly larva can you just put them in the cage? He doesn’t really like things in a cup or a small container
I wouldn’t feed mealworms they can be hard on their system especially if the cham is dehydrated. If I was you I would just steer clear of mealworms.
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