

New Member
Help, please! I've got well over 2-3 dozen crickets loose all over the house, I've been catching them for the last two days and have already captured/fed about 3 dozen of them. How do I catch these blasted things faster then one at a time? My parents are starting to get mad at me.
Definately try the light in the room like ChromaChameleons said. It really does work well. If not just let a few geckos loose in the room :D
Don't feed your animals crickets that have been recaptured.
They get into everything and are gut loaded with who knows what!
Escaped crickets are destroyed here.

Id recommend that during the day setup a small box that is very dark inside with holes big enough for the crickets if you have a couple small boxes use them all and put them in different rooms You could also use this in combination with the light idea;)
To add to what everyone said, try adding a couple slices of fruit in the boxes and a couple pieces of broken up egg crates in the boxes as well. Crickets do get hungry and need a place to sleep.. The light idea should work well as well.
Do most places sell crickets that chirp? The big Petsmart around here has wingless crickets, so it's never a big deal.
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