

New Member
Long story short..person next door arrested leaving her veiled Chameleon in the house in my living room..was eating perching he is sitting on the floor of his cage...what do I do
Congratulations for the quickest appeal to the people most likely to help I've seen.

He's probably a bit perturbed over the move so has gone to the safest realm.

Do you have access to her place? Can you get her lights? That would be really helpful.

I don't know where you are, but if it's at all comfortable outside (meaning you can be happy in a T shirt) you can put the cage outside for a few hours every day...that will lessen the need for other indoor lights.

You need food for the chameleon. The easiest is crickets. You should be able to get them at any big box pet store. If you need to drive a lot to get to one, call ahead to make sure they have crickets.

The crickets food will be the chameleon's food (chomp!).

In a best case scenario you will do all sorts of things, but under the circumstances, providing anything remotely nutritional would be good. FLUCKERS makes reasonable cricket chow, you should be able to buy that at the store with the crickets.

If this goes on for long, you'll probably want to look at other options on feeding the crickets.

You should probably feed at least 7 large crickets per day.

If you don't have a way to keep the crickets, send me a PM and I'll try to help.
Howdy Melissa,

If you would like to, let us know what part of the world you are located and someone nearby may be able to help with feeders, supplies etc. and may even be able to to stop by and offer advice based on what the setup and the chameleon's condition looks like. You can also look and other keepers' locations and appeal directly to someone who is nearby :eek:.

There may not be a lot of time to get things back under control :(.
Hi Melissa,

I hope you found some help. If you have someone nearby it would be great, the amount of information you need is really overwhelming to learn quickly so a conversation on the phone or in person would probably be easier and faster.

Eliza gave you good advices. To me, the most important question to ask is: for how long is this person going to be in jail? Because if it's only for a few days or a week, it shouldn't be too much of a hassle if the chameleon is already in good health. However, if the chameleon is in bad health or if the person is in jail for a while, you'll have more homeworks to do (and of course we'll help you!).

Knowing where you live also would help! :)
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