

Cage Size: 18'x24'x10'
mesh screen

Lighting: I have a round light and a strip light that I was told to buy.
light are turnned on at 6am to 8pm.

Temp: 80 - 90 day and 65 - 70 at night

Feeding: twice morning and evening around 5 - 8 crickets

Watering: Spray in the moring and night. Also have a dripper that I turn on in the evening. I do see him drink

Supplements: I do gut load now and dust with Chameleon Dust "TRex"
Fecal Description: Black and white

Please feel free to tell me what I am doing wrong. I have grown very attached to my little guy.

Thanks for all the help!
I am not sure now ....what kind of light I have. I am willing to buy new just to make sure I have the right kind.

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For such a small cage I would think an 18" Zoomed Reptisun 5.0 (linear flourescent tube) would be good. If you have a clamp lamp a household lightbulb that would bring the basking temps into the mid 80's should also work well. A good thermometer is a must.
Could the size of cage be why he is not getting bigger?


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You do need to find out exactly what lighting and types of bulbs you have.
I agree with running the dripper in the day (would not run at night).
Again, (I really don't own any stock in these!:)) silkworms will be an awesome thing to try and you can get them small enough. The regular rules concerning size of the feeder don't strictly apply with something as soft as a silkworm or waxworm. I would start feeding some of these weight-gain foods (silk, wax, butterworms) to see if you could encourage some growth.
My guess is that he got a slow start...kept with several others, high competition for food, etc.
I have seen 5 month old veileds that look like they're only a few weeks old due to this.

Try a temporary small size feeding mesh cage

Hi Dalton,
My opinion is that he's not getting his prey because your cage is too big for his ultra small size and he is not in reach of the insects because they scatter and hide. Because he is so young, I would suggest buying a real small mesh cage and feeding him in that temporary enclosure so that he can easily target his prey and eat it.
Even when I got my Veil at the age of 3 months(He's not over 1 year old), I fed him in a separate small mesh cage: Dimensions: 10 X10 X 13L cage and the baby crickets and fruit flies so that they can't hide. from your Chameleon. I also put a standing perch in the small cage so that he has a place to climb. Bought the small black mesh cage at a Reptile Show last year for around $15.00. They even had smaller versions, too. However, to buy one quickly, try a store that specializes in reptiles or look into the small animal section at Petco or Petsmart.
Remember to supplement his live insect diet with live greens like Collard greens , too and that can be hung in his big cage. If you already have a live ficus tree or another live potted plant in there already, ignore this insert.

Hi ... I would suggest silkworms as well. They are highly nutritious and don't jump all over the place. And with silkworms you could use a smaller enclosure for feeding as previously suggested or rig up a small dish in your current enclosure and place your chameleon close to this feeder dish. My chams usually take the silkworms right from my fingers!!

Good Luck and keep us posted on any progress with this little chams feeding!

Dyesub Dave. :D
I have tried to feed him silk worms but he won't eat them. I do agree he might not be able to get to all of his food. I will try a smaller cage for feeding. Thanks
Good Advise :)

You've gotten a lot of good advise. I can't really add to what you have already gotten. Just want to give you a "high five" for taking this time and making the effort to get your little guy on the right track :)
Hey Dalton,

I've heard that Butterworms will sometimes temp fussy eaters. Something to do with their colours and the way they wiggle around or something. I got some once and had no problems with any of my critters eating them. Might be worth a try!! :)

P.S. Ditto on the effort to find the answers! Where's the HIGH FIVE SMILEY?? LOL

Dyesub Dave. :D
I have tried to feed him silk worms but he won't eat them. I do agree he might not be able to get to all of his food. I will try a smaller cage for feeding. Thanks

are youn putting the silks in the cage and letting him eat them or are you trying to feed them to him? I keep my chams on a 80% silkworm dite when I have them But as stated the cham has to be in a cage small enough for bim to find his food.
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