

New Member
Hello All,
I am having some worries with my Nosy Mitsio cham.

A) He is very clumsy for a 8-9month cham and falls allllllll of the time.

B) his claws seem to be very short due to his Exo-Terra terrarium small screen holes on the roof of it. I have been powdering his crickets with multi vitamin powder and I just want to know if its normal for his claws not to be abel to grip that well.

C) Ive noticed in his poops the white part to it some times is orange/yellow which states hes not drinking enough. what sorts of drippers do you use and how do you mist them because he freaks when mist him 2-4 times a day.

All in all he is almost never dark and seems happy but tonight he is just freaking out but staying calm colours and not eating at all....
You shouldn't be using it that much, fill out the form jannb provided, and the schedule is
Calcium without d3 everyday,
calcium with d3 2x a month,
multivitamins 2x a month.
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