
I need help with my veiled chameleon! Its a male he is about 3 months old, he has everything he needs to survive ceramic heat lamp, 25 tropical uvb bulb, cage is 18 inches wide 36 inches long and 36 high, I've noticed that half his body can only turn light green the other half stays a slightly darker green, when I say half I mean right down the middle from nose to tail. Can anyone tell me ways wrong with him?!
The temp in the cage is around 90, I feed him 10 to 15 baby crickets a day gut loaded with zilla gut load and flukers cricket quencher with calcium, I also feed him 1 or 2 mealworms ever other day or so, I thought he was trying to get warm at first but then I handle him he turns a bright green but his right side stays a dark ever green, I have no idea why, when he is in his cage he stays a slight dark green but nothing to dark, he seemed to do this after I put an umbrella tree in his cage he started to eat the leafs so I took it out it was only in there for two days, might that have anything to do with it?
Could you post pictures of both sides of him? Then we can see what is going on.

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First, I think your temperatures are a bit warm for a 3 month old. I'd have the basking temp at about 83, the rest of the cage cooling down as you get towards the bottom.

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that is the best I can do right now maybe later today I can get a better picture, his left side is lighter than the right its like he can't change color on his right side=( he can only get it darker


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That's odd. Is it always that the left side is lighter? And, when you say it doesn't change color, do you mean that if the chameleon is freaked out and showing all his colors, they are only on the right side?
Has he ever "fired up"? You know those spectacular colors they get when really pissed off? I'm curious as to whether both sides are capable of doing it. I'm wondering if he's a genetic anomaly like those half blue lobsters...maybe one side doesn't have the cell structure necessary to make that happen.

I'm not suggesting you do anything to freak out your chameleon. I'm just wondering if you have seen him freaked out and noticed what happens.

Of course, he looks young, he might not have "fire up" ability at all yet.
His colors really haven't came in yet he can do shades of greens and black or brown but not much else, when I first got him he was normal in his color changing both sides would change evenly, I've watched him through out the day today and he seems to be getting back to normal, I adjusted his temps, his basking spot is at 84 and the lowest point of the cage is at 75, and I think he missed me handling him when I first got him id hold him and he would climb around and at night he would lay on my chest and nap for alittle, I stopped because I read it would stress him but he didn't seem to mind, I haven't handled him for the passed week and he seemed gloomy but maybe that's just me, I handled him today and he seemed to be happy his color kinda when back to normal bright green evenly=), should I keep handling him? Or should I stop?
I think I must be blind. He looks the same color on both sides to me. There may be a very slight color changes but nothing I can see. I think your cham is fine. And maybe you do have one of the few who likes to be help. If so and you want to hold him - go for it. Just make sure to watch that he isn't getting stressed out.
I see the color difference (it might be a monitor issue, Laurie, not the eyes...I'm sure I'm closer to "blind" than you).

But, I think Laurie is right, if your chameleon seems happy to be held, hold it. Most don't but some do and those that do really seem to enjoy it.

You'll be the envy of the whole board if your chameleon wants to be your best friend.

I still wonder if there might not be a genetic anomaly at work here, but why not go back to your previous handling regime and see if that stabilizes his color?
I think I am going to go back to handling him he seems to enjoy it, it might have been the a mixed vieled cham, I know for a fact that the breeder has translucent veiled chameleons maybe its mixed, he did seem rlly bright almost white 2 weeks ago, but I really don't know, thank you for all the help, I really appreciate it
Oh, see...that could be it. The translucents aren't color changers, so he might have that in his DNA.

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