HELPPPP!!!! Fruit/Fungas Knats


New Member
I keep getting these knats in my plants. I've went through 2 plants (pothos & ficus) The Pothos plant I washed with soap several times and replanted with top soil and covered with rocks. The ficus plant I ordered from LLL Reptile. I don’t know what to do - I took the ficus plant out of the cage and I want to put it back for my little guy to have, but I still see them in the soil. I really need to know what I should do because obviously this problem keeps reoccurring. I don’t have any grown knats in my apt so I'm assuming they're from too much moisture, but then again how can I really prevent it since his mister goes off every 3 Hrs :mad:
Hi Sherlinwed,

I've had this problem with my houseplants and had to bake my soil to kill the eggs. Baking the soil at 300 degrees for 30 minutes is what worked for me.

Put a cup of sugar water at the bottom of the cage. They will catch most of them.

Also cover up any wet dirt at bottom with either rocks or sand.
I had that problem one year after bringing in all of my guys from outside. The soil in my plants is mostly sand now. I have a layer at the bottom so the sand wont go through the holes and then I mix sand and soil with sand being about 80% of the mix. This will help with the drainage and help the plant dry out quicker. Ive had no problems since I started doing that.
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