Hera and Padre (My Parsonii)


Chameleon Enthusiast
My husband Michael has been very busy working and even though he's bought a bunch of material for Hera's room he still has not had time to put it together. Hara had finally settled into the back part of Padre's room and a couple of weeks ago we took the canvas off the partition so they could see each other and they both hung out at the partition. Last Sunday Michael took the partition out to see how they would react to each other and they are getting along great. They both seem happier having the entire room to roam around in. Padre is being really nice to Hera. One day last week I saw him do the head bob and he was hilarious. He follows her around staying about a foot or two behind her. If they continue to get along I may just leave them together until the end of summer and Michael will have plenty of time to build her room.

It is simply amazing to watch these two magnificent animals roam around in that little room.

A few photos of Hera and Padre









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Great pictures Jann. I'm looking forward to seeing if this combination works long term. I have seen it work with a couple other keepers and it would be neat to see if this combination works for you.
they are just adorable Jann!!!! in the second pic it looks like Hera has on a head scarf!!!!!
im so glad that they are getting along!!!!!!!
Thank you guys!

Lisa the shed would be due to the growing (weight gain) Hera's had since she's been with me. :)

Jeremy, this combination would only be for the summer and if I see any stress or bad behavior of any kind the partition will go back in and I'll put Hera's room on the top of the honey do list. :p
Jeremy, this combination would only be for the summer and if I see any stress or bad behavior of any kind the partition will go back in and I'll put Hera's room on the top of the honey do list. :p

I hear you. I want to see if this combination works out for the summer though.
so, so magnificent.......i am rarely jealous, but i am envious of Parson owners!! someday, they will finally cross my path........
She looks precious in that last photo of her alone, she's such a pretty girl. I'm glad you decided to get a female, Jann, these two are fantastic together.
So them staying together is not something that will be a permanent arrangement? It's a seasonal thing, baring issues that arise between them?
Both are beautiful animals. You have that magic touch when it comes to husbandry.
I think I detect a smile on Padre's face. Best of luck.
Thank you for all the nice comment about Padre and Hera.

Lisa, they will only be together for the summer and then Hera will need the privacy of her own room incase she needs to lay eggs.
Thank you guys so much for the kind words about Hera and Padre. They are a truly amazing species and I am so blessed to be able to care for them.
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