Here are the gnats I was talking about.....


New Member
So I posted a thread a week or so back talking about these gnats in flies in my cage and roaming around me room. I was told to get cider vinegar to get rid of them but, sadly, I've only caught one of the little jerks. Below, I finally got a picture of the flies in the cage. Crash seems to eat them when he can but i'd rather just get rid of them so they don't wander the room and fly up my nose when I'm laying down....quite annoying. I'm not sure if these gnats are growing up in to these flies (below). The flies torso's are about half an inch long and they have the long stick like limbs. Can anyone tell me how to oust these things cause vinegar has not seemed to do much. Also, could anyone tell me what they are and if they're normal?


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is that a DaddyLongLegg?
different species than I had with the organic soil
Is there any larger ones?, they lay like a like hundred eggs, then they all hatch out. At least where I live
Also, they are definitely flies, they roam around and bump in to the cage a lot. Either they are lazy or just tired from flying all over cause for the most part I can just reach in and squash them.
P.S.....I just killed a gnat flying in to my laptop screen over and over again haha
Gracias! There aren't millions of them but there is usually one or two flies roaming around in the cage plus some gnats. But on occasion I'll be just chillin in my room and I'll have a gnat just fly around my face and bug me for 10 minutes straight. Right when I forget they are a problem, they make sure to remind me....
no fear my friend , That is a Crane Fly, harmless, it actually does not feed as a adult, it merely only flys around, mates, and lays eggs in soil. We have them all over where im from. :D your welcome
They are sooooooooooo annooyyyyyyiiiiinnnngggg!!! Why do they exist if they dont even do anything hahahaha
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