Here comes some babies!


New Member
Hello everyone!

We have some Veiled Chameleon eggs at the petshop that I work at that should be hatching some time in the next week or two. I've read several articles, but I want to make sure I don't do this wrong, so I'm coming to you guys.

I just need a list of things that we need to have ready for them, and what temperature they need to be at as newborns. If you have any tips or tricks on helping the little ones out in their first few hours of life, that would be appreciated as well!

Deff some fruit fly cultures and a bunch they eat all day lots and lots you can use pin heads too but you will find they will prob prefer fruit flys joshs. Frogs melanoster and hydriea prob not spelled right i start with the smaller i think Mel ones then moves up to hys care is not much different then adults basking spot maybe 5 degrees cooler and mist little more make sure they have plenty room move and dowel rods all over like hiways evvveryone does stuff different but just see what makes them happiest on food and stuff have fun post pics have good day SUN
Fruits flies.
fruit flies.
fruit flies.
fruit flies.
fruit flies.

(each baby can eat at least 20 bugs a day)

Sometimes new uvb bulbs can hurt their eyes, so if you have any used bulbs (like say you replaced jojo's bulb at 6 months old, and you stil lhave it and it works, you can use that.

water. water. water.

babies like lower basking temps, 80ish is fine.

tiny twigs, sticks, vines for them to crawl on.

several cages for the babies. sometimes one grows faster than the others, or becomes a bully, or one is a runt.. they should get seperate sooner.

Camera. ;)
Thanks so much! I've heard, and read, that some people use plastic chicken wire for them to climb on? Could we do that? I have zero experience with fruit flies, so... how do I even keep them in the tank. My boss and I will be setting everything up next week, so I can take some pictures to make sure we have everything right :)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't some people just house them in a large storage container with a screened lid for the first few days after they hatch? What would be the best cage to get?
Yea you could use Rubbermaid containers I guess is what your talking about up to you reall and yea you can use that gutter guard mesh?is that the plastic mesh?you can be as creative as you want try keep simple poop alot.i just kept fresh fruit in enclosure and dumped some ff on that they will mostly stay on that fruit.
I had a exoterra from a previous use one of the larger ones and it held humidity great I couldn't ever useit for adults anyway and that gave me a place to put my uvb and basking light as long as you have a place for that you could use what you want they grow up so fast.the only thing I would worry about plastic mesh or container is heat from light basking uvb isn't as hot
But I think I also remember one of bigger breeders use plastic milk jugs with branch and screen over half they cut off I think I'm not sure I'm pretty sure you could use plastic container just be careful of light.good luck man
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