here he is


New Member
finally got a few pics up, i was told he's a diamond ambanja.
Tell me what you think of him people :D


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whats makes him a diamond ambanja?? just curious, never heard that term before... good move with the exo terra.
I would agree looks like a Nosy Be...I have a blue Diamond and he didnt look quite like this when he was that size
im liking the feeback, ive been suspect that he wasnt a diamond but i just took the breeders word for it. Diamonds lack red colouration in the eye turrets right?
yeh hes still young yet! at the moment hes coming through with some great red speckles but they're kinda hard to make out on the pics. I cant wait to see him develop :D

This is a picture of my Blue Diamond he is a lot bigger than yours but this jus gives u a heads up of wat to look for...He should get increased red in his bars...:D
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