he's here:-)


New Member
My babby arrived before 10 this morning and he awwww'd everyone including me. He's soooo tiny!! Good job FL Chams!!!! Great packing and little guy was bright green and alert.
Here he is after I put him in his new home. When he saw the camera he lost the green..haha


I misted before I stuck him in and set up his little drip and he was very thirsty. After an hour or so he went back to bright green. Its very hard to find him! He has also been all over the place checking it out. I got to see him eat his 1st cricket and the others are gone. He's just too dang cute!!!

Here he is after he settled in. This time it was funny b/c instead of changing colors when he saw the camera he sucked in...hahaha

AWWWWW! He's chamtastical! You soon forget how small they are when they first arrive. He's just way too cute! Amy used to turn a lovely shade of brown for my camera too! Enjoy him while he's so small - they soon grow out of the very cute 'eyes too big for the head' stage, lol! :D
Thanks everyone! Yes lots of pic, I'll take:)

I took lots of pics of Jelly too just didn't post them all. It's kind of weird to see a cham with normal legs. Its still sad that his MBD was so severe by the time I got him:-( but atleast he had a better 2 months here!
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