hey cham forums, meet "yoshi" :)


New Member
hey cham forums:) soooo ive been wanting a cham for a while and i decided to wait while i did my reserch, and now i finally have my cham!!:) idk what kind he is(obviously veiled but idk subspecies) and im not sure how old lol, i bought him from breeders and i think they said he was4-6 months or weeks or something like that. so cham forums heres my cham, yoshi:) lol





and heres his enclosure, its 48 x 28 x 28 i think thats it if i had the measurements right



on the top he has 3 fake jungle vines you would find in a pet store, and on the bottom he has either a hibiscus or a ficus lol i forgot which plant i bought. hes doing fine except for evrybody bothering him and wanting me to pick him up(however, i realized i can "just say no!" and tell them to shutup and leave him alone lol) other than that all he needs is another dome for his lights, as for now im just leaving his heat on during night, but im keeping it high above the cage so his cage still has that night time temperature drop. i only use the heat lamp at night in fear we will have one of those bi polar(no offence) weather changes and the nightime weather will drop drasticly. during the day i just use reptisun 5.0 26 watt uvb bulb. i mist more than people online are saying simply because the fake plastic plant rids itself of water quickly. im not sure if hes over eating but today he had about 5-7 small crickets and 3 or 4 mealworms throughout the whole day. please correct anything im doing wrong. the only thing im scared about right now, is erlier today i glanced down to the bottom of his cage to check for droppings, and i saw something black, at first i thought it was something from the plant i had bought erlier, but later on i realized it was still wet so i examined it closely and it was movin!!!! eww!! lol it vcreeped me out, but its obviously some sort of snail because it had a shell, a soft body, and 2 intennas, but its soooooo small and ive never even seen a black snail, heres a pic


this scares me because i think i saw this the other day before i switched from a towel to a plastic drop cloth for the bottom, so these things are obviously living with him and im not sure if theyll attack him!?D:lol either way, i dont really want these in the cage with him cause even if he eats them, im sure the shell would hurt coming out the other end as well as make him sick

hey, so i looked up what the snail was, and i think it was a "black mystery snail" or a "columban ramshorn snail" not sure, heres a pic



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My chams name is yoshi. He is a young veiled as well:) haha I'm getting an ambilobe tomorrow and his name is gonna be skittles
i know hes a veiled lol xP but i mean subspecies??:O and he doesnt have anything, but it does get wider towards his ankle like....like his leg gets wider on the bottom, but theres no spur, and idk but i read that they dont get them when there young but idk
i know hes a veiled lol xP but i mean subspecies??:O and he doesnt have anything, but it does get wider towards his ankle like....like his leg gets wider on the bottom, but theres no spur, and idk but i read that they dont get them when there young but idk

I'm not sure on subspecies sorry :( but mine is a little smaller guessing mine is 2-3 months maybe, but he already has spurs.
I just did some research and there isn't a morph/subspeices I guess? They said it is just the different colors and patterns
What is that purple light you are using? You should be using a regular housebulb for basking during the day like a 40 watt. Your Reptisun 5,0 should be left on for about 12 hours on and 12 off. If that purple light is a heat light for night it needs to be off! That gives off way too much to light for night time. Are you using supplements and how are you hydrating your cham. also, get your cage up off the floor and onto some type of stand or table. It is too low to the ground. The snail may have come from the soil of the plant. I would find out where they are coming from and get rid of the source, which is most likely the plant soil. Dig it out and put in new soil. where is your reptisun? I do not see it.
the lights not really purple its just like that in the camra, its really red. and i keep it way up by the frame of my door though does it still matter? and i mist more than 5 or 6 times just because i havent caught it searching for water besides the branches it stays on, so i just mist those over if it hasnt moved. and do you have any suggenstions for putting it somewhere? its wider than all my dressers in the room so it will hang over, and the reptisun is the one in the picture, its not a tube its a zoo med reptisun compact flourescent 5.o uvb
The red lights are worse, actually. They not only keep your cham awake but could hurt her eyes. Unfortunately, the compact fluorescents have been known to damage their eyesight as well. :( The tubes are the way to go.

You shouldn't need a light at night, and you want a regular house bulb in the 40-60w range for daytime heat. If the room gets too cold at night, a ceramic heat emitter would be much better for the cham.

To raise the cage off the floor, you may want to get a square coffee table or something similar. You can find them for cheap on craigslist, ebay, etc.

Try asking the breeder for pictures of Yoshi's parents. There are no subspecies of veiled as far as I know, but there are color morphs. The breeder could probably tell you the morphs of Yoshi's parents, or someone on here could if they saw the pictures. :)
Raising the cage off the floor is not your biggest concern right now. What is under the cage to catch all of the water? I would get your light and temperature situation taken care of first. Sounds like you have a compact UVB-some of these have been known to cause eye issues. Linear flourescent tubes are a better choice, and since you are using a very large Reptarium I would get a 24" 10.0 bulb. You can get a fixture to hold it at Walmart for $10.00-just pop off the plastic lens since UVB will not pass through plastic. Next, you need to have a regular household bulb in you clamp lamp. 75 watts or less should work since it looks like you may have a female. You want to place the digital thermometer probe on the branch that is about 7-8" under that basking light to get a temp of 80-85 degrees. You should have the UVB AND the heat lamp on at the same time for about 12 hours a day. No light or heat at night unless your temps are dropping below 60. Then it is better to heat the room then the cage.
Now-if you have a female, there is not really a way to gurantee she will not lay eggs. Female Veileds are famous for laying eggs-they do not need a male to do it. They can also lay as young as 5 months. Not overfeeding and controlling temps helps to keep many from laying. Also-no subspecies. Veileds are Veileds are Veileds.
Raising the cage off the floor is not your biggest concern right now. What is under the cage to catch all of the water? I would get your light and temperature situation taken care of first. Sounds like you have a compact UVB-some of these have been known to cause eye issues. Linear flourescent tubes are a better choice, and since you are using a very large Reptarium I would get a 24" 10.0 bulb. You can get a fixture to hold it at Walmart for $10.00-just pop off the plastic lens since UVB will not pass through plastic. Next, you need to have a regular household bulb in you clamp lamp. 75 watts or less should work since it looks like you may have a female. You want to place the digital thermometer probe on the branch that is about 7-8" under that basking light to get a temp of 80-85 degrees. You should have the UVB AND the heat lamp on at the same time for about 12 hours a day. No light or heat at night unless your temps are dropping below 60. Then it is better to heat the room then the cage.
Now-if you have a female, there is not really a way to gurantee she will not lay eggs. Female Veileds are famous for laying eggs-they do not need a male to do it. They can also lay as young as 5 months. Not overfeeding and controlling temps helps to keep many from laying. Also-no subspecies. Veileds are Veileds are Veileds.

Julirs, why a 10.0 instead of a 5.0? I noticed you state because "you have a large reptarium" Just curious.....
It doesn't look any bigger than the standard cages everyone uses and it is always recommended to use the 5.0 in them. Enlighten me here if you would. Thanks!!!
Julirs, why a 10.0 instead of a 5.0? I noticed you state because "you have a large reptarium" Just curious.....
It doesn't look any bigger than the standard cages everyone uses and it is always recommended to use the 5.0 in them. Enlighten me here if you would. Thanks!!!

Reptariums have a dark black mesh that filters out alot of UVB. That coupled with the fact it is one of the larger Reptarium means a greater distance. A few years ago a bunch of people with UVB meters did some testing on Reptariums VS. screen cages and the results showed that a 10.0 on a Reptaraium was about the same as a 5.0 on regular aluminum mesh.
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