Hey everyone! Meet my handsome boy Ched...


New Member
This is Cheddington, he is 5 months old and totally adorable. We are new here so just wanted to introduce him ;-)


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Hello Cheddington, what a pretty boy you are. I am glad you brought your keeper to join us. Now grow into your colors and post pictures.
Your veiled is beautiful, how old is he, I'm having trouble aging mine, looks about the same "thickness as yours" I'd say nine or ten inches nose to tail, I've had him about three months. Any guesses on age? This is the only pic I currently have pic of from about a week ago outside on the lawn.
Your veiled is beautiful, how old is he, I'm having trouble aging mine, looks about the same "thickness as yours" I'd say nine or ten inches nose to tail, I've had him about three months. Any guesses on age? This is the only pic I currently have pic of from about a week ago outside on the lawn.

Hi Ched is coming up to six months old and he measure's 8.5inches from nose to tail. I can't seem to see your pic for some reason :-/
thanks, i was thinking 5-6 months. I cant upload it here because its in my gallery already I think.. not savvy with the posting
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