Hi Everyone, new member.


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First post!
Hello all, would like to start by saying thanks to everyone who contributes to this forum it's been a daily source of help, inspiration and occasionally humor since I first started stalking around more than a few years ago. At that time I was thinking about getting another chameleon after a pet veiled passed away however with college ahead decided to wait. Have had various reptiles growing up from different geckos and iguanas to pythons and turtles but always had a special place for chameleons and knew if I added another exotic it would be a Panther, when my girlfriend said that was her dream pet growing up the deal was sealed haha. A little while back the wait finally came to end and once again I'm sharing my house with some amazing little dragons. Kai is a 6 month old ambilobe and Gus is a 3-4 month old blue bar ambilobe. Both captive bred and purchased from different site sponsors. Looking forward to watching these guys grow up and blossom into their full potential, Kai is already showing tons of color and Gus has hints of blues and greens teasing through his baby hues.

Welcome to the forums. Looks like you know what your doing. You have 2 beautiful very healthy appearing panthers. We are always here for you. Feel free to ask all the questions you ever need answers too. There are some real experts on this site.
Oh and by the way. Sounds like you have a cool girlfriend. Sounds like a keeper.
Welcome Gus and congrats on the additions! The setup in the first pic looks really cool. What all do you have in the cage?
Thanks for the warm welcome! Hoping they are both happy and healthy, one has me a tad worried but hoping my post in the clinic section question someone's memory. They both have healthy growing boy appetites that's for sure!

In Gus's viv I have an arboricola and a jade cutting I think is rooting well, for climbing some fake vines and piece of cork going up one corner that tends to be his hunting zone. The crickets like going up and down the wood and he stalks them from the arboricola. Kai has the flowering set up with hibiscus, passionflower vines and a small but rapidly growing honeysuckle vine. Should be nice once they all start flowering, the hibiscus is now but rest are still growing in. They also share ( seperately) an outdoor free range that consist of the large pothos Kai's sunning on in his pic bridging to a larger hibiscus. Kai really seems to like the outdoor range doubt he had spent much time in the sun before, he gets as much as his body in the sun as possible while keeping his eyes covered. Needs some shades.
Very cool. I wasn't sure what the wood was, but from what I can see from the photo, it looks awesome. I thought about honeysuckle, but wasn't sure if it would do well in a cage, so went with a potted jasmine instead.
Hoping the honeysuckle will work, seems happy so far and should really make the room smell amazing during flower. I have a jasmine started outside for when Gus grows up enough to move into a bigger enclosure, the live plants are a must for me!
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