Hi Everyone!


New Member
Hello, I new and thought I'd drop a line and say hello. Lol I'm currently doing my research into getting a Veiled Chameleon. So much Information I've found so far.
Run while you still can! DON'T DO IT! They'll eat you out of house and home, you won't go out with friends, you'll stay at home and stare at them, you'll laugh at their antics, you'll watch countless youtube videos on Chameleons, you'll be telling everyone you know about how they are technically reptiles, but not snakes and they shouldn't be scared...and before you know it you're the chameleon version of the crazy cat lady! RUN!!! Oh...and welcome. :D
welcome vivicloud i'm also kinda new here , it is an awsome place to find lots of info!
its where i found info for my first panther cham ! :D
I'm new to! Got my baby 1.5 weeks ago. It's a learning curve for sure! I'm less stressed now that he is here than preparing for him. "He" is Hugo (I said Hugh, like hue, 5 yo said Hugo) a 3.5 month old Panther from EPIC Chameleons (sponsor) who happens to live close by!
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