Hi everyone

Hi Everyone! As you can tell from my user name. My name is Sara. I am new to Chameleon Forum as of yesterday. Basically so far.. I can now say I am addicted. :D
Its great to have you aboard Sara!;) Why havnt I seen pictures of yalls new additions!:eek:

Trying to give them space right now to adjust. Only have been going in there to mist them and to make sure they have some crickets in there cups. Were taking big guy to vet sunday. I'm sure we will get more pictures soon though. ColdbloodedAl has some on his profile in his album, there not the best though.
Hi fellow Cham forum people. I've noticed a lot of new screen names. So just wanted to say hi and introduce myself, I'm Michael.

On a side note where are all the old people at?

Yeah, like where are Jojackson, Prettyinink87, Alexbrock, Eisentrauti, Sang, Jessica...you know the fun members...oh well, will have to do with the new people...
There are alot of old members who come on the forum but don't post! I found this out by clicking on community above and then the members list. You can see the members name and when the last date they were on the forum. I was surprised to see as many old members who i thought flew the coop still lurking around!!!
Well hello again everyone. Thanks for introducing yourselves, nice to officially be introduced. Yes, the OLD people do lurk. Hi OLD people if you're reading this, lmao!!! :D

I find it hard to find something to post about besides pictures. So that will have to do!!! lol.

I do remember Anne was supposed to be at the meeting. Hope she is okay, maybe she will see this. :)

And as far as finding the Lizard Lounge, haha too funny.

Jann, lol.
Hey everyone, if you dont already know me my name is Scott. Im one of the old geezers! lol

The exp members dont chime in enough anymore.....:confused:
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