Hi guys I have never seen a Yemen like this


New Member
Hi, I have been breeding for a few years now but I have never hatch a yemen that looks like this, any thoughts?

The skin is nothing like a normal Yemen, and it is translucent on her fore arms and part of the body.:D
I just don't get the scales??? I have not seen them like this before. Please anyone any ideas?
Something recessive decided to show up! ;) Can't wait to see how this little one looks when older. Very unique! :cool:
Something recessive decided to show up! ;) Can't wait to see how this little one looks when older. Very unique! :cool:

Thanks, so exciting just want her to grow up so we can see her develope. Thing is I was planning on not breeding anymore chams as my hands/rooms are full of cresties.:confused:
Do u know the genetic background of the sire?

What does the rest of the clutch look like?

Both parents come from a long line of low pied, VERY LOW. The other looks normal at the moment. This was my worst hatch rate by a long long way. The eggs were layed months after being introduced to the male and took twelve months to hatch. I normaly only lose one or two eggs from a clutch this clutch fourty-eight laid, two hatched. This has never happened to me before.
Hmm. Maybe someone with more experience can tell you exactly what happened, but if it is some kind of mutation (and not just under-development or something similar) then it might be a more lethal one.

You should continue to post pictures as the animal grows and develops!
I was wondering if you looked inside any of the unhatched eggs to see what those babies may look like, how developed they were if at all. Since I am new to chams, how do you determine an egg is not going to hatch? That baby is awesome though!
Hey pssh you wanna tell me again about how all genetic traits are never hidden lol ahahahahahah! Coming form a scientific back ground I would like to congratulate the person who produced this chameleon this may be the first ever leucistic chameleon ever produced i could go one for hours about what happened and how this happened but it would be pointless unless there to do the examination and research.

If this guys survives please do not sell him unless to me lol jke but breed him to a high trans and see what happens. I't makes sense sorta that the clutch failed because possibly and this is only a theory. So please all know it all's remember not a fact, the mutation that occurred killed the fetuses that could not adapt to the mutation because there genetics were not strong or the mutation was too strong. AGAIN THIS IS ALL JUST THEORY. Again congratulations dude and good luck with this please keep everyone up to date

i would really like to hear DR O's thoughts on this.
wow- I do not breed Yemen, but even I can see that is on interesting baby - sorry you lost so many of your eggs
I am sure I am not the only one who will follow this post to watch and see what colors end up on this little one :)
I never said genetic traits are never hidden, just that the trans gene is a co-dom trait and is always expressed when an animal has it.
this may be the first ever leucistic chameleon ever produced

It doesn't look leucistic to me.

Looks more like a "super trans" or something- like the trans characteristic is covering more surface area of the skin than usual- lots more.

The skin and color on his throat looks normalish to me, at least in that picture.

Maybe he could be called a super trans or silkie or something.
Thank you all for your comments. I will keep you all posted with its progress. I have to say 'Silky' had crossed my mind, and yes there are 'Trans' characteristics. And please from now on can you reffer to me as Gareth instead of 'him' or 'he' but dude will do lol:D
The unfortunate thing about breeding this characteristic is that you don't actually know if it is a desirable one. It is very unique, but could be more prone to health issues. She is an awesome looking cham because of her unique look, but I'm not sure if I would want to breed for that just yet. Who knows what she will look like when older? Might just look like a normal or translucent veiled. Time will tell and I can't wait to see!!! :D
It doesn't look leucistic to me.

Looks more like a "super trans" or something- like the trans characteristic is covering more surface area of the skin than usual- lots more.

I agree...if I understand the term correctly leucistic means an unusually pale or weakly colored individual (such as a cinnamon skunk or raccoon). Its not an albino either. This looks like a lack of skin pigment cells as you can see through the skin.

Sorry, but the attraction of a cham with no color or the ability to change it escapes me.
With this sort of skin condition, would he not be able to bask under direct sun and high temps as a normal veiled would? Or is this a mystery til he gets older lol
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