Chameleon Enthusiast
BSFL are not good staples because of they dont hold any gutload?These are great questions, @Nico Noel. Glad to have you on the forums!
Another feeder option is BSFL (black soldier fly larvae). Much better as a daily staple than crickets, and they don't die quite as easily. Plus if you let them sit for a few weeks, they'll pupate into flies as a fun treat for your cham. Of course, you'll want to feed him many different bugs regularly. You can still feed him gutloaded crickets, silkworms, roaches, etc.
I've ordered BSFL (QTY 250) from these sites with no issues:
I'd start ordering your bugs online. Cheaper and you get better, healthier stock that don't die right away.
P.S. Petco has a great exchange policy but their crickets suck