
Veild Chameleon,Looks Like A Male,I Got My Veild Near Dec 24,2017
I Handle My Chameleon Mostly Every Other Day
Im Feeding My Cham Crickets And Mealworms. I Give Him 8-10 Crickets And -3-5 Mealworms. I Feed My Cham Near The Afternoon.I Get Crickets At pet smart btw.)I Give Them Apples Slices For Them To Eat.
ZooMed Calcium And vitamin.I Dust The Crickets And Mealworms 3 times a week.
I Use Misting With A Bottle (zoomed)At Top and Around The Cage.I Mist The Cage 2 Times A Day i Mist For 1 minute.Yes I Do See My Chameleon Drinking.
Blackish Brown For Most Of It And Specks Of White. And No Never Been Tested For Parasites.
All I Know Is That He Was Found In Yemen I Think...Not Much.
I Will Give You Picture of The Cage In A Minute
I Have A Zoomed Lighting And I Keep It On In till 8:00 pm and on near 7:00 am.
(at top cage is a basking spot) The temp when lighting is on is 104 during overnight it is about 72.WE Read The Box For The Bolb To Ready What Temp It gives Off
We Mist 2 Times A Day For Water And Humidity The Humidity Is 30% TO Keep Track of It We Use A Like Thermometer Thing.
WE Have A Live Plant In there2018 at 4:13 PM[/GALLERY] Right Now But it Pretty dead From To Much Light I Can't Rember The Name But It Is Chameleon Friendly So Were Gonna Replace The Live Plant With Fake Plants.
My Cage Is On Perfect Little Stool Thing MY Cage IS Near A Window And He Likes Climb On The Blinds And There Is No Traffic Around.
I Live In U.S.A Somewhere (sorry can't tell my city) I Don't Think There is a lot Problems Except The Cage I Gonna Make It Better Though .
These are the flaws in your husbandry that need to be changed asap or you will cause your chameleon to fall ill and or die. Please read up on Medabolic Bone Disease.

Chameleon Info:
  • Feeding - try a variety diet like hornworms, silkworms, dubai roaches, superworms Mealworms are not great for chameleons at all and can lead to future health problems.
  • Supplements - You need to be be dusting every feeder insects every day with calcium without D3 twice a month skip the calcium without D3 and use calcium with D3 on different days twice a month as well you need to be giving him vitamins just like you do with the calcium. The supplement schedule is very important if not followed correctly your chameleon may develop metabolic bone disease which is a sad and painful way to die.
  • Watering - hand missing is OK but you need to be doing it at least four times a day for around three minutes which is why most chameleon keepers have automatic misting systems because it is very hard to keep misting by hand for that long so look into getting mist king which are fairly expensive or something cheaper like a monsoon. Chameleons need to be stimulated into drinking so just misting for a minute will not work.
Vailed chameleon's are also called Yemen Chameleon's. I don't think yours came from Yemen but his ansestors probably did.

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - From the looks of it you're cage appears to be a 16 x 16 x 24 you will need to upgrade that as soon as you can he is showing his adult colors and needs to be in a minimum of 24 x 24 x 48 enclosure.
  • Lighting - i'm assuming you have the dual combo lighting fixture The uvb bulb and heat bulb (red) that comes with the Chamaeleon kit are not appropriate lights. You want to get a white incandescent light from a home-improvement store depending on where you're located in the ambient temperature of the room if what I understand you said is 75° then you would probably look into getting a 60 W bulb for the UVB you want to get a linear tube like Bulb and a hood. Without the proper UVB light your Chamaeleon will be unable to process the calcium through D3 and will intern develop metabolic bone disease.
  • Temperature - your temperature should not be 104 during the day that is way too hot depending on his age maximum I would say right now would be 90 also do you leave any lights on at night?
  • Humidity - Adding some more plants will have maintain humidity throughout the day.
  • Plants - look into getting some phothos, ficus, or sheflara plants. The more the happy your chameleon will be.
Also add some more horizontal branches going across the enclosure try to give him as many pathways as possible if you have any questions never hesitate to ask.

Please take the wood chips out you don't want anything on the bottom of the enclosure no substrate if your chameleon accidentally eat some he'll become impacted.

Please make sure all plants put into the enclosure are washed thoroughly and repotted with organic non-pesticide soil.

Current Problem - these are things in your husbandry that you need to fix right away.

To identify the sex of the Chamaeleon please post pictures of his hind feet so the base of the tail in the back feet are showing.

I have uploaded some pictures of my enclosure for my Yemen A.k.a. veiled chameleon who is a male and it's around five months old use it for reference.


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You said that he was "found in Yemen," does that mean he is wild caught?? Can you give information about where you bought him? Also, regarding his sex, you can post pictures of back feet to check for spurs. If he is a she you will need to research egg laying bins ASAP. It sounds like you are feeding him the correct amount of crickets but mealworms are really not the best feeders at all. They contain high amounts of chitin which can cause impaction. Not to mention in general they aren't very nutritious. Though apples are good to feed your crickets, it is recommended to add more variety. You can check other threads for more ideas about gut loading. As far as supplementation, I have no idea what the "Zoomed calcium and Vitamins" is. It is recommended to dust every feeding with phosphorus free calcium w/o D3, then phosphorus free calcium with D3 and a multivitamin twice per month. The picture of your cage does not give enough info. What are its dimensions? Is it a full screen cage? It looks very bare. You said that you were going to replace the live plant with fake ones, however I think it would still be best to do another live plant. They provide enrichment and help with humidity. Also how do you know your plant was safe? Do you remember what list you used? Also are you using a UVB light?? It is VITAL in a cham setup as if it is not provided he is at risk of MBD. It sounds like you don't know what your temps are either. Do you have a reliable thermometer? You said you know what temps are from the box. This isn't exactly reliable as it varies depending on your location. Your humidity is WAY to low for a veild. You need it to be around 60%-70%. Is your hydrometer accurate? It looks like you have a lot to work on. And I am not even one of the experienced members. I cannot tell the health of you cham from that picture, but to me he does not look to be the healthiest. I hope that some more well seasoned members can look at this to help better give you advice.
Welcome to the forums. Do you have a UVB light for your chameleon? UVB is very important.

You need three different supplements. Plain calcium without D3 at most feedings, calcium with d3 twice a month and a multivitamin twice a month.

He needs a varaity of different feeders and mealworms are not that good of a feeder for chameleons because they are hard for them to digest. Crickets are good and you should try superworms, silkworms, hornworms and flies.

You need to gut load with greens such as collards, turnip, mustard, kale, dandelion endive and so on. Apple, carrot, bell pepper, butternut squash and sweet potato are good too.

Here’s my blog for how I recommend keeping veileds.
I would recommend that you set up a dripper that runs long enough each day to stimulate him to drink. It can be a deli cup with a tiny hole in the bottom so that it drips at the rate of one or two drips per second.

As was said...dust the insects at almost every feeding with a phosphorus-free calcium powder and twice a month with a phosphorus-free calcium/D3 powder and twice a month with a vitamin powder. At his size he can likely be fed every second day.

Its recommend that you use live plants to help with the humidity and also because Yemen chameleons often eat vegetation. They can also be offered the same greens and veggies and a little bit of fruit that you feed/gutload the crickets with.

If you sliver in a state where the temperature is seasonally cold then I would move the cage away from the window.

Good luck!
Okay Thanks Guys I Be Nice Too TEll Me Where I COuld Get This Stuff

Check out my blog linked above. In the blog there’s a link to about everything you need except feeders.
For feeders try lindasgonebuggy.com. Linda sales value packs for $20 with 3 or 4 different feeders. It’s just the right amount for people with one chameleon. If you email Linda she will also,let you substitute and swan out feeders too.
[Q&A]Guys Thanks For Being With Me Now For Some Q&A!
The Temp For Cage Is Fine Actually i'm Going To Add A Little Cool Place For Him!
Also how do you know your plant was safe? Do you remember what list you used?
. Yes I Know Is Safe I Think i think i found it here in chameleon forums.
I WIll Get More Live Plants.
The picture of your cage does not give enough info. What are its dimensions? Is it a full screen cage? It looks very bare.
.Its A Full Screen Cage Yes i know its bare we just don't have enough money right now to get alot stuff for Oscar's Cage.
Thanks YOu Can ASk Me Tons Of Other Questions If You Need To I Will Add A Picture Of My Chameleons Hind legs up ^
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Check out the caresheet in the resources section and look at the sponsors. You'll save a ton of money on feeders. Also: nothing against the workers at Petco and Petsmart, but youll find much better info in the forums' caresheets. They're working with way too many animals to be experts on 1 species.

Good luck and remember to have fun. There's no point in having them if you cant have fun.
When they are not mature they are normally mostly green adults have a more variety of colors. Please refer to my first post you have a lot of things to change to keep a healthy chameleon.
Perfect size for him he will be vary happy in that.
You can also look into building one.. search for threads and please read the chameleon care sheet on the home page.
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