Hibiscus Help - Dr.Earth?



As soon as I got my hibiscus it wilted right away ?
I’m attempting to bring it back to life but I wanted to know if anyone has used Dr.Earth’s hibiscus fertilizer? It says it’s pet and human safe & all natural.

This is the one I was looking at: Dr. Earth INC 756P Exotic Exoitc Blend Palm, Tropical & Hibiscus Fertilizer 4lb, Natural https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FGIJ80E/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_gO7DFb03RVW3X

Just wanted to see if this would be appropriate to use to help bring my hibiscus back as well as keeping my chameleon safe.

I think my hibiscus got transfer shock when I transferred it into some Fox Farms Ocean Forest fertilizer. I recently took off all the yellow leaves and left the green ones. I also moved it outside so it can get a bit more warmth. (In Los Angeles)

Thanks for any insight !

I attached a before and after ? lol. And an extra treat of when Karma was tiny tiny



Ohh wow, it must not have enjoyed its move ?
Hibiscus drop a lot of leaves when moving from high light & warm, humid conditions (say, from a greenhouse) to lower light & temperatures. Disturbing the roots probably added another layer of shock (I try to keep the root ball intact when transplanting them- they like being a bit crowded), but your plant seems to have plenty of healthy nodes ready to start over!

I wouldn't add fertilizer to fresh soil, though. The stuff you used already has several things ("earthworm castings, bat guano, fish emulsion, and crab meal") mixed in that should feed it for several months, so adding more on top could burn your hibiscus! Just give it sunshine and water until it recovers, and keep an eye out for aphids :)

Puts me a bit at ease. I just want it to go back to where it was cause it was kinda expensive haha

But patience is key.
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