Hibiscus - Too Yummy


New Member
I've got a question, my baby Veiled seems to have a little bit of an obsession with his hibiscus plants. He eats them like crazy. He's not a big crawling insect fan so I'm concerned he's not getting enough protein for his growing body.

Is there anything I can do to help steer him more to insect eating? I've picked up a colony of fruit flies to try for tomorrow's feeding.

I know this was asked by another person once but couldn't find it. So if you have a link to that discussion, I'd appreciate it :)

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Flexarium 65 (30" x 16.5" x 30")
Lighting - Flourscent UVB (Reptiglo 5.0) Basking (75 watt)
Temperature - Basking 85, Rest 70
Humidity - 65% (with use of live plants and a humidifier)
Plants - 3 Habiscus plants and fake vines
Placement - On top of high boy, top of cage is 6.5' up.
Location - In a quiet spare bedroom in London, ON Canada

Chameleon Info: Gonzales
Your Chameleon - Veiled - Baby Male - 4" nose to vent.
Handling - He shot up my arm when I bought him, that's it.
Feeding - Offering: Crickets, silkworms, hornworms, butterworms & Waxworms, wild caught moths, cup fed with a few roamers.
Supplements - Calcium w/ D3, Calcium w/o d3 and herptivite twice a week.
Watering - Manual misting, 3 times a day for 2 minutes, dripper too.
My veiled love hibiscus as well.... to the point that there were no leaves on it at all and i ended up buying a new plant. That's why I dont use them anymore :p

I don't think there's anything wrong with him eating veggies. My main concern would be is if you have any type of fertilizers in there
I thoroughly cleaned the plants with soap & water, washed the roots and repotted them in straight organic black earth. Hopefully that's enough. He seems healthy, his poops look normal and he's growing.

I'm glad that it's not abnormal. He's stripped half of one plant already.
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