High of 75 low of 55, can I keep the panthers outside?


New Member
Hello everyone! This weekend my 12 year old son and I built a very lare outdoor enclosure and would like to start keeping the panthers outside now. This week it looks like we will have lows around 55 at night and highs around 75 during the day. Can we keep the chams outside the whole week in these temps??

A tad bit low for my likeing, but not unsurvivable. I would proubly wait for another 5 degrees warmer. JMO
Yeah, it would be different if they were outside already, and the temps just started getting cooler (like a "winter") but if they dont normally experience that kind of temp at nite, Id bring them in.
Thanks for the help. I ended up bringing them inside for the evening. They were not too happy about leaving the nice big outdoor cage tho!
You could always add a warm spot with a ceramic heat emmiter for the nights when it may get real cold. That is if you feel you can keep it safe from rain.
sorry, im not trying to steal your post but i have the same question as you.

is it ok if he can stay outside at night with the degree of 59? i live in los angeles and it been pretty warm.
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