I have to chime in here and emphasize with what Bill is saying...
It is almost criminal,
especially now considering how fuel prices are down,
how BAD UPS and FedEx shipping rates went up this year.
And their new size restrictions.. and to what now is considered oversize....
Oh please don't get me started.
It is just nuts.
Being small business, and trying to compete with big companies that get BIG shipping discounts is almost impossible.
I am sure Bill, like myself, would be just happy to be able to break even on shipping.
And I want to remind folks to also please understand that when when it comes to shipping , the materials and labor factor in and not only the postage.
It cost at least 3.00 or more in materials and labor to pack and ship ONE flo. tube in addition to the actual shipping cost.
(and we know LYR doesn't "skimp" on packing and padding to prevent breakage. LOL )
So I feel the pain all around when it costs 300.00 to ship a cage.
But I just hope folks are aware that the small business people are defiantly NOT making money on shipping.
If we break even... we would consider ourselves extremely lucky after all is said and done.
But we thank you so much for your support >>> It means allot to us.
Because we want YOU TO SUCCEED WITH YOUR PETS more than anything!
If your Chams get sickly and die.. then guess what?
It hurts the hobby and our businesses will go "belly up" and die too!
Thank you to all my customers both wholesale and retail out there.
It is almost criminal,
especially now considering how fuel prices are down,
how BAD UPS and FedEx shipping rates went up this year.
And their new size restrictions.. and to what now is considered oversize....
Oh please don't get me started.
It is just nuts.
Being small business, and trying to compete with big companies that get BIG shipping discounts is almost impossible.
I am sure Bill, like myself, would be just happy to be able to break even on shipping.
And I want to remind folks to also please understand that when when it comes to shipping , the materials and labor factor in and not only the postage.
It cost at least 3.00 or more in materials and labor to pack and ship ONE flo. tube in addition to the actual shipping cost.
(and we know LYR doesn't "skimp" on packing and padding to prevent breakage. LOL )
So I feel the pain all around when it costs 300.00 to ship a cage.
But I just hope folks are aware that the small business people are defiantly NOT making money on shipping.
If we break even... we would consider ourselves extremely lucky after all is said and done.
But we thank you so much for your support >>> It means allot to us.
Because we want YOU TO SUCCEED WITH YOUR PETS more than anything!
If your Chams get sickly and die.. then guess what?
It hurts the hobby and our businesses will go "belly up" and die too!
Thank you to all my customers both wholesale and retail out there.
This is Bill from Dragon Strand. Someone told me I was a topic of conversation!
And, yes, shipping is definitely the biggest challenge in this business. I pass on exactly what the shipping companies charge me, but it still is painful. And I fully understand that the shipping charges I get drives customers away.
One thing I can do is get creative with bundling boxes and that can drive down the shipping cost. All that takes is contacting me ahead of time and working out a quote. If I am shipping identical items at the same time I can get you a quote. It is not always possible to do this and sometimes multiple large boxes don't work as well to save money, but I am always willing to try!