Hip Bones/health problems????


New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled, Female, 7-8 months old, 6.5 months

Handling - Daily

Feeding - Dubias, Crix, Mealworms, Silkworms. Crix and Dubias are staple and feeding varies from day to day on whether is a mixture of bugs or just one kind.

Gutload- fresh fruits and veggies

Supplements - Calcium w/out d3 every feeding other than twice a month with d3 and twice a month with vitamin

Watering - mist ever 2 1/2 hours or so. never see her drink

Fecal Description - dark brown/black with white urates attached

History - has acted gravid a few times but never laid, same as our other female. we think going to the bottom of the cage was so they could bask in the sunlight when it hit that spot during the morning

Cage Info:

Cage Type - screen 18x18x36

Lighting - Zilla UVA/UVB, 60 watt basking

Temperature - hydro/temp meter. lowest over night is 68.

Humidity - approx 45-65 %

Plants - she has pothos, ficus, and umbrella

Placement - in cham room, not high traffic, no fans/vents unless we are airing out the room and we watch their humidity/temp. top of cage 65" off the floor.

Location -PA

Current Problem - she has bumps on her "butt" not sure if they are hip bones or what. they are hard to see in the pics because she HATES the camera. but none of my other chams has this and it scares me :(



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here are 2 more pics.... btw sorry for the crummy job filling out the how to ask for help. i sat here for 20 min filling it out then the internet went out and i had a tantrum like i was a 2yo and was not happy i had to redo it so i did it in like 30 seconds bc now im late :'( FML


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That doesn't look like hip bones. Females have a lot of strange issues. Hopefully someone with more experience (or better, one of the vets) will come along with an opinion.

Do you have a vet with chameleon experience? I'm not saying rush her to a vet (though, a vet check is never out of place when there's a question) but just in case that's the advice you end up getting it might be good to find out what the options are in your area.
That doesn't look like hip bones. Females have a lot of strange issues. Hopefully someone with more experience (or better, one of the vets) will come along with an opinion.

Do you have a vet with chameleon experience? I'm not saying rush her to a vet (though, a vet check is never out of place when there's a question) but just in case that's the advice you end up getting it might be good to find out what the options are in your area.

last time we took our cham jewel to the vet we did everything he said. he was the best reptile vet around and she ended up dying bc what he told us was wrong and the medicine he gave us for her was wrong. so im weary of vets
Hmm. Are the bumps hard or soft or painful when poked? Does she walk any differently than normal or seem uncomfortable in the hind end (holding it up off the branch or not walking around as much)? Does she still defecate normally? How much does she eat a day?
Hmm. Are the bumps hard or soft or painful when poked? Does she walk any differently than normal or seem uncomfortable in the hind end (holding it up off the branch or not walking around as much)? Does she still defecate normally? How much does she eat a day?

they are hard like bone.
she doesnt act like they hurt and she moves around normally.
she poops just fine as far as i can tell.
she eats about the equivalent to 5 large crickets daily. whether it be crix, dubias, or worms
In case you don't know, camaleonte, Ferret is a vet who is well versed in chameleons, she keeps them herself. So, you now have an expert giving you advice.
That is unusual that they're hard like bone. I think an x-ray would be the nest step in that case. If they were soft an x-ray probably wouldn't help much but if they're hard maybe there's a bony defect that would be visible. It's strange....I don't have a great answer for you at this point! Since it's right over the hip joint if it is bone or joint swelling that could affect her ability to walk so I'm glad she's not showing signs of that. There's always the possibility of abscesses as well. Diagnostics with a good reptile vet are needed to be able to determine what the bumps are. Pretty confident it's not edema.
I doubt you’ll get an answer from the original poster. ferritinmyshoes is still around though but might not answer either.
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