"Hissing" sign of URI?


New Member
Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Male panther, 6 months old, with me for two months.
Handling - Very little, enough to move him to free roam outside once or twice a week.
Feeding - Crickets, small locusts and calciworms, gutloaded with rephasy and fresh vegetables.
Supplements - Calcium without D3 every feed, Calcium +D3 once every two weeks, multivitamins once every two weeks.
Watering - Hand misting for 5 minutes at a time 3/4 times daily, dripper running daily. Water purified with ZooMed repti safe.
Fecal Description - Normal, brown feces with creamy white urates, generally passes every day.

Cage Info:

Cage Type - 46x46x91cm reptibreeze full screen cage, half of the back panel covered with plastic sheet.
Lighting - Exo terra 5.0 UVB strip and 75W basking lamp, cage lit for 10 hours a day, natural daylight in the room his cage is in from sun-up.
Temperature - Ranging from 85-90F in basking spot down to 70F lower in the cage.
Humidity - Steady humidity at 40% with peaks to 55-60% after misting.
Plants - One umbrella plant and one passion flower vine.
Placement - Placed around a corner in my living room, very low traffic, no overhead fans or vents.
Location - UK

Current Problem - Since George arrived he's had a pretty big attitude about him, and when I have to move him from his cage or sometimes even when a cricket gets too close, or runs away from him, he will sort of "hiss" through his nose, it's a short, sharp hiss, sort of like a heavy expulsion of air. He only does it when he's mad or disgruntled about something, and otherwise seems very healthy, he's eating, fully hydrated and active. The reason I'm concerned is that when he opens his mouth there is sometimes a wetness there, saliva on the sides of his mouth. This isn't all of the time and I've not seen him swallowing excessively and other than the occasional angry hiss I hear no abnormality in his breathing, no wheezing or coughing.
Chams sometimes hiss when they are threatened or stressed.. i don't know much but maybe somebody with more experience can lend a hand.
It doesn't sound like URI to me. From what I understand of URI it's excess of saliva all the time, lots of swallowing and sometimes I think a popping sound when they open their mouth. Including breathing issues like wheezing and stuff.
Chams sometimes hiss when they are threatened or stressed.. i don't know much but maybe somebody with more experience can lend a hand.

Yeah, he will hiss with his mouth open which I'm more used to with the chams I've had in the past, he's the first I've had do the nose hiss, so I wondered whether it was normal or not.
Thanks, I hope so too! :)
It doesn't sound like URI to me. From what I understand of URI it's excess of saliva all the time, lots of swallowing and sometimes I think a popping sound when they open their mouth. Including breathing issues like wheezing and stuff.

Thanks Andee, this is what I was thinking, I've had him sat on my shoulder and listened quite intently but couldn't hear anything abnormal, thankfully. I'm going to keep an eye on the saliva however.
Yeah, have a cham with a URI now and this doesn't sound like the same thing. I would look out for signs of labored breathing (frequent deep breaths through mouth) and thick saliva (really stringy). Also, like you said, a popping noise when he breathes (mucus being cleared out of the throat) or foamy bubbles in saliva. Sounds like your guy is fine though, just angry.
Yeah, have a cham with a URI now and this doesn't sound like the same thing. I would look out for signs of labored breathing (frequent deep breaths through mouth) and thick saliva (really stringy). Also, like you said, a popping noise when he breathes (mucus being cleared out of the throat) or foamy bubbles in saliva. Sounds like your guy is fine though, just angry.

Haha, we like to say he's feisty ;)
But thank you! I will keep my eye on the saliva. He's my first Cham for over 3 years so I feel like an overprotective momma!
I just wanted to chime in to ease your concerns. My 7 month old does this same nose blow when I first approach his cage if i take him by surprise. Other than that one snort, he realizes its me and time for food or outside time. So then he comes running for an arm to let him climb on. I really don't think your guy is displaying RI symptoms. Like already stated above the biggest signs are "pooping and wheezing", you'd know it if you heard it! Hope we helped a bit :)
I just wanted to chime in to ease your concerns. My 7 month old does this same nose blow when I first approach his cage if i take him by surprise. Other than that one snort, he realizes its me and time for food or outside time. So then he comes running for an arm to let him climb on. I really don't think your guy is displaying RI symptoms. Like already stated above the biggest signs are "pooping and wheezing", you'd know it if you heard it! Hope we helped a bit :)

Thank you so much, this is exactly what I wanted to read, now I can stop worrying and leave him to be his grouchy little self! :)
is it more of a huff i guess similar to a sigh? My little guy has done it a few times but was definitely not hissing. happened when i was holding him maing him move from one hand to the other faster than he wanted. I msged my breeder to question the behaviour and said if it wasnt all too constant should be pretty normal that they had one who would "huff" everytime he was held
the wc father of my quads used to hiss at me all the time . occasionally he'd chomp down on my hand also . I had him for 8 years and he sired over 2 dozen offspring.
the wc father of my quads used to hiss at me all the time . occasionally he'd chomp down on my hand also . I had him for 8 years and he sired over 2 dozen offspring.

My guy's CB, but super grumpy, haha. He's bitten me twice so far, even made my thumb bleed when he was only 5 months old. I handle him as little as possible, he now comes out of his cage himself on to a freerange plants so I can remove him without stress to clean his cage! Once he's out of his cage hes actually much less grumpy and will then let me pick him up. Must be a territorial thing.
huff or snort

My 7m panther often dose this when he's disgruntled about somthing, when he dosent want to come out, when he dosent want to go to bed, when I tern on the shower, when I tern off the shower, if I move too fast, if i move out of the sun, much much more before shedding, he's such a grumpy pants ;) love him hes sooo cute when he huffs ♡ never hissed or puffs up at me at all (even infrount of a mirror) ??? Lol
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