Our Cham hisses when i put my hand in his cage, Mesh type
We guess he is warning us to vack off is this right?
We want to be able to hold him should we leave him alone?
Yeah live him alone, dont try to force him to come out, it will just stress him out. however you can try to coax him out with a treat or something and see if he comes onto your hand for the treat.
I was wondering how long they have him because I know in the beginning I was told by the breeder to not even try and attempt to handle them for atleast the first couple of weeks and let them settle in to their new surroundings. After that I used a small stick and tried to coax him on the stick and then I would take him out for like 5 minutes a day. I began in creasing the times and next I used my hand with a glove for safe precaution. Lastly, the thing that really got me to be able to handle my cham with no stress was to open the cage door and let him climb out on his own terms. Once out of the cage he seemed to not mind the handling. Never approach them straight at them with your hand either. Dont go over them or grab them. Slowly and gently put your hand under their chin and raise up underneath them. Usually they will crawl on.
The Chameleon is 4 years old but we have only had him 2 weeks we thought maybe this was enough time for him to settle in so will leave it longer, his new vivarium is coming tomorrow so will leave him another 2 weeks?