home made cage, what do you think?


New Member
hey guys,

just figured i would post a pic of the enclosure i built. My veiled has been living in it very happily for the past 6 months or so. The four sides are made of window screen and the back is a piece of styrofoam that has been carved into my desired shape and then covered in various rocks to make it look more natural. what do you think?


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it looks nicely furnished but what kind of window screen are u talking about? the black plastic meshing or the aluminum wire meshing?? did u build this from scratch urself or did u have some sort of tutorial/blueprint to follow through?
The enclosure looks great. My only suggestion would be to add some more live plants in there to make him/her more at "home". An umbrella plant and a ficus would really fill that cage out!
it is 1/8 of an inch aluminum window screening and no blueprint was followed i designed and made it myself, it took some trial and error but in the end i was very happy with the results!:D

thanks for the advice i defiantly agree that i need some more coverage and live plants. hopefully my burgundy ficus at the bottom of the cage will grow up and provide some more coverage soon,

thats for the compliments!:)
Nice design! Did you seal the styrofoam in any way? I'd be interested in more details in how you made the back wall. It looks great. Thanks,

how about more branches ? The plastic plants are functional but not beautiful - but that's only a question of taste. I like lively plants more and they're better for the climate in your tank.
But in summary I think it's quite a nice home for your calyptratus!:)
How to make it

Hey i am wanting to make one for my chameleon Chuck. I have know idea how too. Do you think you can show me a website or something that can give me pointers of how to make one. I have wood that i could make with it but i am a little scared that the heat of the lamp can burn the wood. If you could help that would be great thanks. :D
I think its very good:) it could use some more live tall or hanging plants but I think I like the fake ones hanging from the top what are they?
Great looking cage. Everyone finds room for improvements within their own designs - and if anyone had the perfect setup they would make a million, cause it's all about the individual and their cham and different needs depending on the species. Good job with yours!
Very nice! It looks like a setup that you would buy from PetSmart. Haha, but yep add some more live foliage like an umbrella plant or pothos.
nice, i would fill it in more, and get rid of the dirt on the bottom cuz the cham can get impacted from that. I would leave it bare.
very nice cage!

I really like the design of your cage, could you post larger pictures? I've been thinking about building a cage of similar design. If you don't mind sharing a few of your secerts of course!
hey guys,

just figured i would post a pic of the enclosure i built. My veiled has been living in it very happily for the past 6 months or so. The four sides are made of window screen and the back is a piece of styrofoam that has been carved into my desired shape and then covered in various rocks to make it look more natural. what do you think?

Did anyone notice that this was posted in 2008? GMenace's last post was in May, 2010!:confused:
Oh my gosh! I never looked at the date. I wonder if the "notification" still works after four years.... :)
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