Home made terrarium controller

The first plan was that each connection should be assembled on the rear of the unit. I did not find nice aluminium enclosure with good weight for that. Then the concept changed to "all-in-one-box". With my concept this unit can be placed either on wall or the side wall of the chameleons enclosure. The other point is that it needs to be reproducible, in the near future I want to sell more.

I am planning to present the prototypes On October 19, on TerraPlaza expo.

I have more version in my mind, also mounting the controller in the top of the lighting fixture. This is also an "all-in-one-box" solution, and the cords would be hidden. At the beginning I chose the three socket option.



I would like to update the state of the terrarium climate controller. This is a case for the prototype. Appreciate your suggestion: [email protected] Please comment it. Thank you!



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The laser etched stainless looks nice. Swap out the zinc plated phillips screws for button head allen screws and it will look even better. Nice work!


I would like to share my new improvements of the climate controller. Three languages are available besides English: German and Hungarian.

The next improvement should be replacing the material of the box from metal to plastic. I stuck at this point. I have no idea how to prepare a good looking plastic box. The injection molded plastic technology is very expansive. 3D printing is not cost effective for 50-100 pieces. Could you recommend a way to get a reproducible process? Thank you in advance!

[email protected]


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This is a great idea, do you have, or will you open-source? with a store for components, plans, and completed units? what is max wattage? max number of outlets? is it just a timed box, or can controller be temp/humidity dependant? it it network capable? does it have data logging ability?
is this arduino or arduino compatible?

just curious,

My dad is an auto-motive body man, does foam and fiberglass,
i would almost suggest making a foam mold, then doing a fiberglass case
Thank you for your ideas.

Thank you for your ideas.

About the controller... this will not be an open source project. Store is not available yet, I want to prepare the plastic case first. In that case complete units or the standalone electronic can be bought. Three output can be controlled (UV, heat, misting). The load can be 5A on each output (resistive load). In US this is almost 500W, in EU 1000W. It is not just a timed box. Temperature and timing controlled equipment. The switching events can be set in the menu. See the video of the prototype: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deXCPc3qoRQ&feature=youtu.be
No data logging availability, and arduino free :) The circuitry and the PCB design is made by me.



my idea is to put it in an unique case. It is more professional. If someone needs only the electronic, it can be mounted in an universal box.

This is what I would like to solve to find a company who can make a plastic case.



  • doboz.jpg
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How soon can i buy one of these from you? with or without the box. I have been working on my own version, but my chameleon could use this sooner than later.
Buy one


on the next TerraPlaza exhibition, I am going to participate as seller this year on 15th of October. You can have a prototype, but in this case you should come to me to Hungary :)


I would like to introduce the newest climate controller. Feel free to comment it and please check out my webpage (not translated to English yet): www.terrariumcontrol.com



  • alu_doboz.jpg
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Hi all,

I would like to share our new improvements. Basking spot, ceramic infra heater, external heating, UV light, moon light, humidifier. Every process can be set in menu. Please write comments, thank you.

We are located in Hungary (EU), so at the moment only the local purchasing available. The next exhibition is the TerraPlaza in Budapest.

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