Homemade vine


Established Member
I made some homemade vines and I wanted to share to get some opinions. The vine is made of electrical wire, great stuff foam, silicone, and coco fiber. Here is the vine,

First, I centered the wire inside a cardboard tube and sealed with duck tape.

After you fill the tube with great stuff, let dry for 24 hours before removing the cardboard.

let the great stuff shrink for another 2 days. If you don't let it shrink, then when you go to bend the vine it will crack the great stuff.

Here is the vine shrunk and covered with silicone and coco fiber

Here is Thumper climbing on his new vine
Wow that is very creative!! What type of cardboard tube are you using to fill with Great Stuff?
So is the vine about 1 inch around?? It is hard to tell from the photo the size around. This is really awesome and I will probably like to make some of these myself if you don't mind :)
Well...looks like someone is using their tricks from making dart frog vivs and applying it for the chams!!!!
Very nice...
thats pretty cool im in the process of making moos vines i made a mixture and spread it on some vines and im watering it and i can see the little spores:eek::D
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