Homemade wet cricket chow...thoughts?

I would skip the zucchini. Its got the wrong phosphorous to calcium ratio. try winter squash or papaya instead. Freezing may be destroying some of the important vitamins. fresh is best.

You may find this blog interesting: https://www.chameleonforums.com/blogs/sandrachameleon/nutritional-information/

A little off topic, but does freezing vegetables and fruit take out most nutrition? I make food for my baby and freeze it in ice cube trays and heat when necessary. This makes me worry. I've researched how and what to feed my baby and the freezing was recommended.
i always thought that freezing preserved foods which is why when we veggies are out of season you buy them frozen as they still have their nutrients?!

also thought its best to freeze very fresh veg before it naturally looses its nutritional value?!

have i been deceived all these years?
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