horn worms or silkies?


New Member
whats better for my male wc jackson i was told he was about 2 years old. im going to order the min amount from mulberryfarms?
I would not feed silks as a staple feeder. But they are a great treat item. Hornworms are a great feeder. Just mix it up get three min feeder items. Preferably more and rotate them. Your cham will love you for it.
i feed him crix and roaches, im breeding Pacific beetle mimic Diploptera punctata, and cuban slugs so id like to throw something else in the mix idk how to breed hornworms/silkies so i was just gonna let him have a sample platter. but it seems hornworms are the choice to go with im gonna order some silkies so he can have a treat
thanks you again guys dont know what i would do without yall
I would not feed silks as a staple feeder. But they are a great treat item. Hornworms are a great feeder. Just mix it up get three min feeder items. Preferably more and rotate them. Your cham will love you for it.

silkies are a good staple feeder, why is it not a good staple feeder?
The best feeder is variety feeder. :)
I don't like using the word staple.
That word has connotations that the chameleon will be mostly fed on that feeder too often.

Silkies, albeit its close to ideal calcium to phospor ratio, cannot be used solely as your chameleon feeder. Their lack of chitin can cause problem to your chameleon. So, crickets or roaches are also essential for your chameleon's diet.

Hornworms has better protein and water content. So, Hornworms are perfect for hydration and also for sick chameleon.

If you want a happy chameleon, give it a variety of diets.
here are examples of feeders I give to them:
silkies, horwnworms, crickets, mantises, butterflies (painted lady and cabbage white only), occasional locusts and katydids (if I can find one), butterworms, superworms, flies (blue bottle for adult and house flies for pygmies), damselfly, and occasionally moths from silkies and hornworms.
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