Hornworm Help, Please

My point is that you keep comparing mammals to reptiles, people to reptiles, but you have yet to show any experience with reptiles..
I don't mind that you don't have any reptiles but if you don't have them, have something to back it up with, not false assumptions etc.

The people who were on that thread have experience with chameleons. Ryan is a very intelligent guy and I'm sure has done his research.
You give good information on the care of silkworms... but much more than that... well..

Common sense also says people aren't chameleons and sugar gliders aren't chameleons. :eek:

No, you have said definitive things. By suggesting them you are making the idea open for anyone to read... this is a public forum that anyone can read.
By chance/accident a new member comes in and only reads your post about horn worms... then they end up having a dead chameleon... do you see my point?

No enemies are made. I'd just like to make you aware of what you are saying.

Toxicity... the definition is not needed here. Want to know why? They aren't necessarily toxic. It's the vitamin A from the tomato plant that will do a chameleon in.
I don't know where all of the other stuff came from.

Liet was also curious to know. No harm done.

ETA: You said, "I wouldn't feed it off because I am personally made aware of parasites." That was already mentioned, and you're worried about parasites of all things? :rolleyes:
I bet you've never owned a WC animal. :eek:
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I . If I had a cham, I would feed it one right now just to test it out.. .. but yes you are right, I don't have one, not for now anyway. I am confident that if I feed him one now he won't croak right away...
Just my hunch. :eek:

You have no practical experience with chameleons and you'd be willing to test something potentially harmful to a chameleon you did own. You seem to have no regard for the safety and well being of an animal YOU'D own, let alone other users chams.

I would never test something potentially harmful on one of my own pets, let alone give ANY advice I wasn't 100% confident in, and if i wasn't I would post a link to information leading to my conclusion.

I don't give advice on jackson, mellers, or pygmy chameleons etc. because I don't own any of those species. Although I like to believe I have a fair amount of knowledge on chameleons, Each species is different and practical experience is needed to give specific advice.

What you are doing is not only reckless, but ignorant.

Please refrain from posting advice unless you have followed that same advice and seen positive results. Not owning a chameleon makes that impossible.

I'm with syn on this one. Sorry if it sounded rude, but it has to be said. To much hear say, and loose advice is given on this forum and it gets sickening to see time and time again.
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You have no practical experience with chameleons and you'd be willing to test something potentially harmful to a chameleon you did own. You seem to have no regard for the safety and well being of an animal YOU'D own, let alone other users chams.

I would never test something potentially harmful on one of my own pets, let alone give ANY advice I wasn't 100% confident in, and if i wasn't I would post a link to information leading to my conclusion.

I don't give advice on jackson, mellers, or pygmy chameleons etc. because I don't own any of those species. Although I like to believe I have a fair amount of knowledge on chameleons, Each species is different and practical experience is needed to give specific advice.

What you are doing is not only reckless, but ignorant.

Please refrain from posting advice unless you have followed that same advice and seen positive results. Not owning a chameleon makes that impossible.

I'm with syn on this one. Sorry if it sounded rude, but it has to be said. To much hear say, and loose advice is given on this forum and it gets sickening to see time and time again.

I see I have clearly made quite a few members upset. No, it was not in my place to talk about things that I don't have thorough knowledge of. I really wish I could go back and take off the entire post. All this preparation would be good for me when I get a cham one day.. or am I now being banned from being sold a cham to? :eek:
Well anyway, I'm not using them unless I can get them to breed and eat hornworm chow instead. I'm not going to take that risk, no matter how great or minimal it really happens to be.

Edit: I don't think you're being banned from anything, you're just being told what is a bit of a hard truth. Just do research and be careful how you present your opinions. We all have to do that.
Oh goodness, I'm not upset. I can't speak for anyone else but all I know is that you could have worded your post better... or not at all.

Just be careful with your future posts. You don't know whose chameleon you could potentially kill.

Of course you are banned, you can't breed silk worms with a cham going around eating them all! (kidding)

I just hope that you see the points we are trying to get at here. Good luck.....

Well anyway, I'm not using them unless I can get them to breed and eat hornworm chow instead. I'm not going to take that risk, no matter how great or minimal it really happens to be.

Right on, that's responsible. Another option is feeding them tomato plants and then hatching the eggs out and feeding them chow?

just following the thread, and i also agree with Syn and Metric, but in my preference i would have not been so "interagating" if thats the word for it..:eek:
i dont like when there is any sign of tension in this forum (I know Syn might not consider it any tension or a problem at all) but to those who are more "sensitive" they can sense the awkardness. This whole thread mostly deals with a person that feels like giving info that may not be valid, while on the other side is well experienced people that might get frustrated of hearing misinformation from people that are novice to the subject. to the point that the well experienced says everything blunt and straighforward( which isnt a bad thing) but can flare up a possible disagreement.. and i would rather meet a common ground...:)

In short...:p

Syn is right

Ladysilkworm did not have facts or experience, but feel free to state opinions just state its a oipnion, ...IMO;)

just kill the risky worms and get cb hornhorms from a good breeder (online):D

just saw the new post glad things got worked out:):):D

if onyl that happens everytime:p
Bad KShook! Stop being blunt and straightforward! You're scaring all the novices away.

Oh oh opinion time! In my opinion, Canada is to blame.
I don't have many of them, it was really unexpected that I got them in the first place. I'll see if they breed and if not, no big deal.

I may buy some online soon since I see so many people saying they're a good feeder. For now I have crickets, dubias, supers, and mantids on the way. On top of that, he will eat the occasional little piece of apple or vegetables, so I think he will be fine for now :p
Thanks to all the bufferers.

Honestly, now that I know, I can see why Syn and Metric would jump on it and be upset. I didn't know enough about keeping chams and I ended up saying something that could've misled others. If someone said something that was downright outrageous about silkworms, then I'd say he/she is ignorant too. Tomato plants can be potentially dangerous. Not worth risking.

The thing about scare tactic is bad. I thought it was just a marketing gimmick. When I researched about silkworm industry, I did find some BS behind the scenes. I am all for mulberry leaves for silkworms.. and I guess that is where my thinking comes from :) leaves for the horns too, but guess not!
I don't have many of them, it was really unexpected that I got them in the first place. I'll see if they breed and if not, no big deal.

I may buy some online soon since I see so many people saying they're a good feeder. For now I have crickets, dubias, supers, and mantids on the way. On top of that, he will eat the occasional little piece of apple or vegetables, so I think he will be fine for now :p

yea, someone gave me a pod too, asking me to breed them. They have burrowed in the dirt in a big pretzel stix container.. I fed them on leaves.. I just figured I use all the natural resources available around me (I have a garden)

I put them in a mini green house, well not so mini, but nearly 5 foot tall with a mesh screen covering it. It's been almost 3 weeks and no signs of the moths... I think they need to have 16 hr day night and warmth to mimick summer..I think I have all the things I need include chow, that I bought from Mulberry Farms.. I hope it is NOT mulberry chow!! I saw their pods are filled with green chow for the horns!

I'm sorry, what was your original post? heheh.. was it about housing? Well, that is how I keep mine... with a stick up the dirt for them to climb onto and dry their wings and fake flowers and birds. hahah.. I am hoping that they would just lay eggs on paper, instead of on a tomato leave...
Yes, I did want some tips about housing. Thanks :)

In that case I think I have an idea. There's a big dog cage around here somewhere from when I fostered dogs and puppies. I have screen too, so I'll sew it around to make an enclosure. My guess is that they won't breed anyway, so I don't want to spend too much on them.
Another option is buying the net cages from ChamEo_Org here:

It benefits a good cause, and even if you don't do well you could use it as a temporary cage for a baby in the future... or.. you are smart, you can find a use. ;)
Yes, I did want some tips about housing. Thanks :)

In that case I think I have an idea. There's a big dog cage around here somewhere from when I fostered dogs and puppies. I have screen too, so I'll sew it around to make an enclosure. My guess is that they won't breed anyway, so I don't want to spend too much on them.

Let me know how it goes! I think its great that they can fly around and mate. I just like things naturally. I plan on putting some sugar water in maybe like a sponge?? I heard they will lay eggs better when fed.
Syn~ Wow, I've never seen those somehow. Thanks a lot. Not a bad price at all. I think I'll get one for the mantids too.

As far as babies... man I wish. Parents won't let me have another cham :rolleyes: I could probably use it for vet visits though (the vet is not far away).

ladysilkworm~ For butterflies I've made "tea" by mixing some apple in with purified water to add natural sugar.
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