
They need lots of stimulation to drink....you have to run the dripper for a while not just a couple of minutes.
The concern with the mister is that if you aim the spray towards his mouth you could end up with water in his lungs and he could die from it. Have the mist come from behind him or above so its not sprayed right into his mouth. Hope that's clearer.
They need lots of stimulation to drink....you have to run the dripper for a while not just a couple of minutes.
The concern with the mister is that if you aim the spray towards his mouth you could end up with water in his lungs and he could die from it. Have the mist come from behind him or above so its not sprayed right into his mouth. Hope that's clearer.
Thank you and I’m worried about water dripping into the tanks below the video on the drainage was kind of confusing i don’t have that much room to make his own stand for draining
For the drinking, my veiled never drinks in front of me. She is very well hydrated, but I don't usually see her drink unless she is really thirsty.
You shouldn't have any kind of substrate or carpeting in the bottom. Chameleons can ingest substrate, and anything on the bottom can grow mold/bacteria/etc.
You can always put paper towels on the bottom and then just change them out every day or so. If you are going to use the paper towels you should never forget to change them because they can cause issues.
You said..." I’m worried about water dripping into the tanks below"...please post a photo so I can see what you're talking about.
How's your chameleons eye doing now?
His eye is doing better i can’t send a picture right now because I’m at school but i will when i get home
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