
ive heard that a general rule of thumb is have feeders no gibber than the space between the eyes of the chameleon. this works well for all feeders, especially the crunchy feeders. I have also heard that the soft gooey feeders like hornworms can go up to the length of the chameleons head.

on a personal note, my mom decided to feed my (at the time, ~7 month old) velied a hornworm roughly the length of his body and he got it down with a lil work and no problems.... when she told me about that i hit the roof lol
i always gave my veiled hornworms that were rough the same size as him.....he got them down with a little work but he's a beast now..... i don't see any problem there.

this is a picture of him...and he is 6 months old.


Dude your chamm is so dopee he does look like a beast lmao
About how many hornworms did you feed a day or wat was your routine if I can ask

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