Horny Chameleons

Now that I have your attention:

Reggie our new Jackson's


and more Trogdor

Little Mouse

Tuners getting so fat she has outgrown her skin
Please stop with the sexual titles. Just name the title what the thread is really about.
Please stop with the sexual titles. Just name the title what the thread is really about.

If you don't like the title then don't click on the thread, and they are horny chameleons. Great pics, your k. multi looks awesome and so does the female. I think breeding is in your future!
If you don't like the title then don't click on the thread, and they are horny chameleons. Great pics, your k. multi looks awesome and so does the female. I think breeding is in your future!

Thanks! And I think I had a successful mating. Or they did anyway :)
Though she doesn't look gravid yet ..
Are meller chams hard to take care of? I Kno they need extra food and water and space but is everything else pretty much the same?
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