Houseflies Pros and Cons


Avid Member
I bought some house flies and my chameleons really dig them. These is not wild caught!

So I have about 100g of pupae.

What I do is throw a few pupae in a gatorade type bottle and leave it on the floor. I drill a small hole on the cap for the flies to get out. After few hrs or days they will hatch out of the pupae. Its really fun watching them hunt these flies down!

For storage you can put them in a refrigerator to slow down their development.

Nutrition: The diet of the flies can have a significant effect on the development and health of the animals that using the flies to feed. We do not recommend the use of conventional media for raising feeder insects. Animals raised on conventional media may have slow growth, higher mortality and more cannibalism. Our base formula, which includes sugar, dog food and yeast, tends to result in better development and vitality and may be supplemented with additional nutrients as necessary.

Can anyone tell me their experience with houseflies?
How often do you give these to your cham?
iv been using blue bottles for well over a year now..i hatch my own maggots..the flies are fed on honey..the chameleon and mantids love em.i pay 1.50£ for half a pint of maggots..i dont buy casters because our fishing shop soak the casters in water..when they dry they really stink..and alot dont can get 2 types where i am..pinkie maggots which are half the size of white maggots..the pink ones hatch to become green bottles.half the size of blue chameleon is 4 months old and eats a min of 10-15 every day..

You know you see the classic chameleon cartoon where the chameleon catches the fly in mid air?well iv never seen mine do that..have you seen yours do this?
You know you see the classic chameleon cartoon where the chameleon catches the fly in mid air?well iv never seen mine do that..have you seen yours do this?

I didn't think they were able to do this until one day a few weeks ago just before lights out I saw one of my female veileds shoot and catch a very small (gnat size) fly in mid flight in her cage. It was very cool to see.
I have seen flies, skipper butterfies, cabbage white butterfly's shot out of the air. Have not seen in person, but I know a few hummingbirds have met a tongue in mid flight.
is it alright for my cham 2 eat wild flys from outside, since his cage is outside.
just wonderin...sumtimes get stuck inside there
I use blue bottle flies, I grow them from maggets then feed them off after a day of being flies. I would not feed your flies off without feeding them because many times if you buy already pupated flies the maggets were raised in some not so please food. So, hatch them out, feed them some honey, give them some water then feed. Ohhh and 100grams WOW, too many. They will not hatch from pupation if they stay in the refrigerator too long, so be careful.

I let my cham, Waldo out for some some sunshine a while ago and I was watching him, then all of a sudden he shot one out of mid air.:DSo proud of him. TheThen he shot another, I think. I was worried because of the bug pesticide issue though.
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