Housing for food


New Member
Hi everyone,

I was just wondering, how do you all store your food for chammie please? You see I'm a bit of a sentimental, especially when it comes to animals and things. I know they're just food for the chameleon so they can probably just be stored in tubs but I want to if possible. make even their living envirnoment nice. I know that probably sounds insane but I was hoping that I wouldn't be the only one who cared about this sort of thing lol.

Would it be okay to put a few twigs and leaves etc in the tub with them? Does anyone else do anything like this please?

Thanks a lot. :D
Not silly at all. The healthier your feeders means your cham is getting healthy food. I think or the most part, egg crates, toilet paper rolls and cardboard all for climbing hiding. Easier to dispose / recycle weekly. Each feeder needs a little different requirements.
I am currently breeding / raising crickets, super worms and my first batch of Silkworms (super cool).

There are many good youtube vids out there, as well as al the info on this site. Just remember that everyone's environment is a little different, just because it works for you doesn't mean it will work for me. Experience and trial and error are the best teachers IMO.
Along the same lines as what @KapitalJ said, healthier feeders means healthier pet(s). That said, I do my best to provide feeders with a comfortable living environment along with all the nutritional food they can consume.

Here's how I keep my colonies of B. dubia, N. cinerea, and P. nivea feeders.

I also breed Super worms and Silk worms, but I use much smaller plastic containers (to keep them sorted based on stage of development, etc).

I also provide Horn worms and Blue Bottle flies semi-regularly, but I just keep them in the containers they come in.
Hello Nervous,

Wow that looks fantastic, looks lovely for them. How do you please stop them for getting all over the place when you need to take some out? are most of the recommended insects for food unable to fly please?

Thanks a lot.
The screen tops are very good at keeping the bug in their respective bins. Plus, each bin has a strip of petroleum based jelly along the top edge; which deters the bugs from climbing out of their bins. When it's time to harvest feeders, I usually collect them while adding food to the bins... They're too busy eating to notice me picking them off one-by-one.

Also, the only species of bug I keep that can 'fly' are the Green Banana Roaches (P. nivea)... And they can only flutter; which isn't really flying, but you get the point.
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