Housing Jacksons Xantholophus


Avid Member
I was perusing the threads today as well as an internet site selling Jacksonni Xantholphus and mention of purchasing or housing multiple Chamelons was noted. Do these guy need friends or are they solitary like veileds/panthers????
When i originally bought my pair of jackson's i was told that they should be kept as a pair but after reading online about chameleons in general and the reaction of my female....she would not eat and looked very upset till i split them 2-3 day later i separated them......from then he went down hill and she did quite well. i still have no idea why he died but this thought made me wonder

How are other jackson keepers doing this??


i keep my jax in separate cages w/blinders for the cage next to them (although they can probably see each other across the room, depending on the angle of the cage). i have 8 jax, 1 veild

my understanding is that they MUST be separate. i've come to agree w/that opinion.
Thanks for the imput......could you give me your suppliment schedule since you seem to be into the Jacksons as i want to be. Are you breeding or just enjoying??? oops, hijacked my own thread
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