currently i have one little bearded pygmy in a 10gallon aquarium with several fake plants and a couple smaller live ones to help with cover and humidity etc..i was told that its best to have 10gallons per cham roughly but am thinking of getting another 2. so that would be a total of 2females and 1 male now i have a 20gallon tall tank available that i was planing on using for a pair but was thinking that to take some stress off the female i would have 2 females so the male doesnt bug the crap out of the you think 3 bearded pygms in a 20gallon tall tank would be ok if there was more than enough cover etc? also how would i go about feeding to make sure there all eating the way they should? currently i put a cup burried to the rim in the substrate and put in 5crickets a day and she will come down and eat when she wants how can i make sure that all of them are eating?