
ive heard so many mixed views and i know of two people that have done it successfully so im trying to get as many views as possible
Doesn't matter if it is male/male or male/female. It will cause a great deal of stress on the animals and is not recommend at all.

I would much rather you have two healthy chameleons in separate cages than two dead chameleons in one cage.
Clutchmates might get along together for a while longer than two random chams. However, two males or two females could easily injure or kill themselves. One male could easily stress out his female into a confrontation, or vise versa. Your cage would have to be like @ least 6'x6'x6'. Even then, heavily planted, you may still have problems. The stress alone would be detrimental. If you absolutely must do this, i would go no smaller than your standard bedroom size 8'x10'. Please reconsider.
i was talking as in 2 females, i know of 2 breeders that have 2 housed together one has 2 girls and 1 has a male and female housed together, both are a good age male and female are 5 years ish and the two females are 3 n a half both breeders have had no problems. House them in large enclosures im also keeping in mind that they would be passing by each other in the wild, not constantly but they would all be in a close enough location to bump into each other on occasions.
In the wild the only times they encounter each other is during the breeding season. Afterwards, a lot of them die off from stress and fights. It is uncommon for them to run across one another on a daily basis. They have individual territories.
What species are you talking about?

You are correct that they do run into each other in the wild, usually when his happens it involves fighting between two males with one losing or fighting between a male and female if she doesn't want to breed. The difference is they have square miles to move around in, not a 6x6x6 cage.
There is no way I would ever recommend keeping panthers together. You are just asking for trouble.

Why not just have two cages or one large one with a divider so they can't see each other?
well the 2 i have are 6 months old maybe a bit older and they have lived together since thay hatched they bask together and sleep together they was kept in a much smaller cage at the reptile shop i got them from and it wasnt an ideal setting for sure i now have then in a 24x24x48 inchs and they are getting a bigger cage in a few months time
That is still fairly young for them so I can see you not having any obvious problems with them right now but I guarantee you that you are creating extra unnecessary stress on both of them. Once they both become sexually mature they will most than likely become aggressive towards each other.

That cage is a great size for an adult panther. I recommend picking up another cage just like yours and separating them in the every near future.
I'm not going to argue with you. I don't recommend it and I will never recommend it. You are more than welcome to do what you want. You started the thread and wanted opinions on keeping them together in one cage and my opinion is no never. If you didn't want to hear about the negative affects of doing so you shouldn't have asked.
It can even be a problem housing two female panther chameleon's together so IMHO its not worth the risk because by the time you realize there's a problem its often too late.
If you want two healthy chams seperate them in the future. As young chams they seem to be fine but as mentioned, when they come of age they will stress each other out and aggression will be displayed. Just one mishsp and it's over. The stress alone will mean at least one sickly cham. You are welcome to try but as soon as you notice any signs of a miserable or injured cham you need to seperate them.
I don't see the point of letting it get to that but yes it is your call. So far numerous people have advised against it so you should have the correct answer.
I wouldn't recommend it either. Once they become sexually mature, that's when your especially likely to get problems.
They don't live together socially in the wild, so why try & keep them together in the confines of captivity. Not worth the risk imo.
what is everyone's views on housing 2 young panther chameleons together for life ? of course in a extra large cage

I suppose someone who has kept a lot of chams and who knows exactly what the subtle signs of stress are might get away with it, but if you are new to them I would not do it. Once in a while two individual chams who just don't happen to be very territorial might tolerate each other but it is by far the exception to the rule. You would have two new animals who's personalities you do not know. Kind of risky.

Signs of stress can be very hard to catch early. One cham may fire up its colors a little more often, be a little less active, feed or drink a little less, sit in a cool area of the cage too long every day, and spend a lot of energy avoiding the other cham. All this builds up over time, and by the time most keepers notice one or both of them are not thriving, its can be hard to reverse the problem.

I think what I would do is keep your two separated until they are well established and healthy. If you want to watch how they interact, give them a free range and let them get familiar with each other before you make a decision to have them share territories. And, the cage you would need will be a lot larger than 24x24x48! Two males will most likely spend a lot of energy displaying to run the other off...and all this is a drain. A female would spend a lot of energy keeping a single-minded male at bay if she's not in condition to breed. Seems pretty unkind to put either of them in this situation.
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