How are Reptibreeze aluminum cages?


New Member
:) Hello all i realized it is time for me to get a bigger cage for 2 year old veiled. I have him in a 65 gallon 25'x16.5"x30"H mesh cage i Bought as a package off LLL I Just recently ordered a Zoo med Reptibreeze aluminum cage off it's 24"x24"x48"H. I just wanted to hear some personal opinions on them before i switch out my cages its scheduled to arrive in 5-8 business days. I got it for79.99 plus free shipping & handling!! What are there problems??? & also if I could see some pics Of peoples enclosures Maybe I could get some Ideas for mine. Tank you:)
I've used them since they first came came on the market and have been pretty happy with them. When you assemble it though just be careful not to over-tighten any of the screws or you will tweak the frame.
They are fine, but lll reptile sells their version for about the same price and its better than the reptibreeze. The reptibreeze has had some negative reviews by some users on here. These ppl have experienced rusted screens, while others have had no isssues.

I run reptibreeze, lllreptile & enclosures... they are similar but the lllreptile screen seems more taught and stronger than the others I have.


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They are fine, but lll reptile sells their version for about the same price and its better than the reptibreeze. The reptibreeze has had some negative reviews by some users on here. These ppl have experienced rusted screens, while others have had no isssues.

I run reptibreeze, lllreptile & enclosures... they are similar but the lllreptile screen seems more taught and stronger than the others I have.

I like your pictures and setup. May I ask how you affix the branches across the screens to overlap the potted plant?
I hate reptibreeze. They rust very quickly and the swing door on the bottom is crap. LLL cages or even DIY are what you should get next time. :D
I like your pictures and setup. May I ask how you affix the branches across the screens to overlap the potted plant?

I secure the plant in the corner buy putting the potted plant inside another pot that is empty.

A branch is wedged in the corner and then the empty planter is hot glued onto it and the screen corners. I then put the plant/pot into the empty pot.

I also secure all of my branches with hot glue though because I can't get between the enclosures to use thumbtacks. I have my enclosures secured/screwed up thru the stand into the enclosure frame (I have a cat, and do not plan to have him collapse an enclosure or knock one over) so the glue allows me to hang the branches and change them if I need to.
Has anyone had any experience with the B grade DIY cages- they sell them on ebay a lot cheaper with shipping included. I was thinking of using it as an outdoor cage.
Has anyone had any experience with the B grade DIY cages- they sell them on ebay a lot cheaper with shipping included. I was thinking of using it as an outdoor cage.

Yes I have one of them i bought when they had them up for 68.00. Is it up and housing anything? No!

Screen spline was stretched to tight or something and was basiclly to skinny to hold the screen in. Screen could not be made taught without buying spline and reworking the whole enclosure. I was not going to sit and do that when 20.00 would buy a lllreptile enclosure.

The screen is not aluminum, its some other metal, but its teflon coated to stop rust, but it does not work.

I figured I would make it an outside enclosure and as such the screen did not have to be taught, and i just went around spline with hot glue gun and secured it so the screen would not come out. Well 2 days outside on the back porch and with a water hose mister setup it was an orange mess of rust!
I have had my two Reptibreezes for 3 months now and have not had any rust issues. And they get soaked everyday from my MistKing.
I really like mine also, I have the same one. The bottom panel makes it super easy to make some drain holes for the water and it is just an awesome cage so far all around. A lot of room and space in it, you will be surprised because it is a lot bigger than what you think lol
I have 11 reptibreeze cages and a few of them are rusting. Apparently the older ones are made with a plastic coated steel mesh that eventually rusts. The new ones are plastic coated aluminum and not supposed to rust. I contacted zoomed and was told to sen it the recipts for the cages I am having issues with and they would send me out new cages. Pretty impressed with the service and the cages for the most part.
yea I'm pumped for this new cage to get here, I ordered two weeping fig trees. does anybody know the best way to hang vines? Is a hot glue gun ok?
What I did is took very small zip ties and use them. I used them throughout the cage and they are working extremely well and hold everything firmly without a single problem
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