How big is too big??


New Member
Hey, i've got a 3yr old big ol veiled and i've finally gotten the time to build him a new cage. He's been stuck in his 24x24x48 cage for a while but i let him out and he crawls around the house all the time and seems to enjoy it (always is a nice bright green, no hissing or jumpyness).

I accidentally did some measurements wrong and ended up building him a 3x7ft cage w/ wire on all 4 sides. I haven't completed it yet but i have a ton of bamboo im going to use as supports and get a big ol hibiscus plant to put in there along with some vines and rope for him climb on. think this is okay?

The two things im worried about is 1. Will it stress him out too much to go into a new (much bigger) home? and 2. how to keep the heat and humidity up throughout the day/night? i mist him once a day but with such a large cage im worried its gonna get a little too cold. I was thinking about having a basking spot on top and on the side of the cage, plus i have a water heater i can put close but i know that will lower the humidity.

Once i get it all set up out i'll post some pics so ya'll can get a better idea of his new home.

No, that is not too big! I am sure he will love it! I have an outdoor cage for my cham which is 40 X 32 X like 68 or so and he just loves being in it. Who wouldn't want more room!? You could always put two basking lights in there, just make sure there is somewhere for him to cool off. That would help raise the temp. What state do you live in? Also, instead of just one Hibscus it sounds like you have more room for more plants. Live is better of course for the humidity. As far as stress, it might take him little while getting used to it but I am sure that he will love have more room to roam!
Okay great, thanks! i didnt think about live plants raising humidity but thats very true, I live in northern california pretty close to the beach so the humidity/temp isn't usually too bad at night, i was just concerned it would change substantially with a much bigger cage. I'm definitely gonna deck out the cage with all kinds of ficus/hibiscus/vines/etc, i bet he'll love his new home :)
I bet he will too, so be sure and post some pics when you get it all set up and if there is anything that needs to be tweeked we can help you with it!!
There is no such thing as too much room! :D Mine have access to the whole apartment, and they still wouldn't mind more room!
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