How cool is this???

Hey....... Cool Plate Cool Car....... as long as you like your car..dont bother about other people opinion. It is a freaking awesome car in europe. American are obsessed with big car (gas inefficeient, expensive and a piece of crap)!!
Hey....... Cool Plate Cool Car....... as long as you like your car..dont bother about other people opinion. It is a freaking awesome car in europe. American are obsessed with big car (gas inefficeient, expensive and a piece of crap)!!

Yeah, I'm not too concerned about Mike's opinion LOL... Plus, last time I was with him, he had a big FLChams logo on the back of his SUV, so he doesn't have much of a leg to stand on, and I'm the chameleon nerd???

Don't get me wrong, I love my "big car" (F-150, lifted, big tires, etc)... It is bad on gas, but I swear has never had a single problem since I got it new in '98, which I can't say for the Mini Cooper that I've had maybe 1 year. To get a few minor problems fixed cost half of what the car is worth, and the warranty has all sortsa loopholes to get them out of fixing it (I think if you sneeze while in the car, the warranty is void), where on a Ford, it's a cheap fix, or even something you can do yourself. Good luck getting to anything in the motor of a Mini Cooper.

Not sure why this thread is going on in a Chameleon Forum, but Brad hasn't put a stop to it yet!
Tyler you're a she-male and you know it!


I don't have a big FL Chams Logo on the back of my Sequoia I took it off. The only reason I had it was because my best friend who designed it gave it to me for Christmas. Kind of obligated there. You are a chameleon nerd though no denying that. I guess we all are deep down inside. Freaking Tyler.....LOL

For the Love of GOD Brad lock this thread it's getting out of control. You think the Chris Anderson threads last week were bad this one is horrible and is doing nothing but hurting the forum and Tyler's Manlihood.
I wish I had kept that picture I took of you standing next to your car with the logo and a big smile on your face with a "thumbs up." Those were the good old days...
Tyler you're a she-male and you know it!

Speaking of she-males, all these “friendly jabs” Tyler and Mike are giving each other is making me think.

<<<< man I hope these guys can take a joke :confused: >>>>

man I hope these guys can take a joke :confused:

I can take a joke, but it usually results in a reply coming back at ya. Mike gets a little sensitive over a few things, I'll keep them in my "backup plan" folder at this point LOL... I'll be back down there for the Daytona show later this year, if I need to result to physical harm, I always can.
Good to know … a bit of “ammo” …

I probably have had 20 or so people in the forums think I was a woman. At first I though it was funny but after the first bakers dozen it put the zap on me a bit.

To quote the ghost of Jonny Cochrane, "If you drive around in a pink mini cooper, your gonna end up with a really sooorrreeee pooper."
Good to know … a bit of “ammo” …

I probably have had 20 or so people in the forums think I was a woman. At first I though it was funny but after the first bakers dozen it put the zap on me a bit.


What??? You're not a woman? I was gonna ask you out.-Tyler Stewart

Roo- Tyler beat me to it.
I probably have had 20 or so people in the forums think I was a woman. At first I though it was funny but after the first bakers dozen it put the zap on me a bit.

I know what ya mean... everyone in forums thinks I am a bloke! Telling folk I am a lass time after time gets annoying.. :mad:
Sal, i play competitive paintball. Laugh as you please, this site contains roughly 316,000 others. And of those 316 K people about 40 are girls. Now my girlfriend also plays paintball and is one of the 40 girls on PBN and in her signature, just so it doesn't confuse anyone, she has *Proud owner of a Vagina*! You think you have it bad here, but it could always be worse.
Yeah, I suppose you are right Brian.. not a bad idea of hers though - maybe I should have a pink aston martin (sorry boys, a mini won't do) for my avatar.. lol

I didn't know paintball was played competitively.. I played once and I loved it.. all except the part about being hit at point blank range in the back (guess I'm not that good)! That and getting hit in the face and paint all in my mouth.. but a bloody superb time it was!
Now my girlfriend also plays paintball and is one of the 40 girls on PBN and in her signature, just so it doesn't confuse anyone, she has *Proud owner of a Vagina*!

Sounds like my kinda woman! Does she have a sister? I'll be up there next weekend, we'll have to doubledate.
Psssshhhhhnhh...Its called common interests. And plus, it is a great way to vent anger towards each other when you can light each other up.
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