How do I convince my family?


New Member
I am wanting to get a veiled chameleon but I haven't told my dad yet. I told my mom and she said to discuss it with him but if I do he is going to say no in a heartbeat. Is there any way I should go about doing this. Such as ask him and then show responsibility or visa-versa.
If I was you, I would start telling him facts about Chameleons. That would let him know that you have done your research, and are very interested in them.
the key things that seem to make them torerable to my GF is that they are quiet, slow moving, dont make any smell, and are a very interesting animal.
ya if you know what your talking about then your golden, make sure you literally get all the information in your head and ask them to ask you any question about it.

Next make sure that they have ABSOLUTLEY no responsilibity for the cham. If they truely feel like they won't have to worry about it you're chances will sky rocket.

Next show them how bad you want it, try and come up with a reward system if they don't agree right away, like you get a good grade in school or get a job or something like that.

last don't just shutdown everything your parents say, take it into full consideration

oh ya! and make sure they know how serious this is to you, just act as mature as you can about it and show them that you are more than ready to take on all this responsibility, and hopefully you are well aware of how much responsibility that really is.
How old are you and where do you live? it might be better if we knew how to aim what you need to say to your dad.
Welcome to the forum.....chams are a wonderful and rewarding pet but are a responsibility.

I am not sure how old you are but are you earning any money to be able to provide the resources for a cham? Food, supplements and the occasional vet trip can get expensive. If you have to rely on your parents for financial support be well informed, do your research and tell them up front to what and how much is involved. If you do that its showing responsibility and that you are serious about wanting and looking after one.

Most parents say no to pets as they don't want to be lumbered with the responsibility of it and its upkeep after the novelty has worn off.

If you live under your parents roof then you need their both their support. Its one thing to say you are going to be totally responsible for it but if you have to rely on them for transportation to the vet or to cover costs or anything then make sure you have their support 100% and be able to hold them to it.

There are many young keepers on here who do a great job in keeping chams and you will really enjoy it....I hope you can convince your Dad :)
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