How Do I Know When She’s Egg Bound?

The Wild One

Chameleon Enthusiast
So Coda has been receptive since November 17. How do I know when I should start to worry about egg binding? Here are some recent pictures

This is the most recent full body picture I have. I’ll get more tomorrow
So Coda has been receptive since November 17. How do I know when I should start to worry about egg binding? Here are some recent picturesView attachment 256446
This is the most recent full body picture I have. I’ll get more tomorrow

My girl went quite a long time from "receptive" colors to actually laying. I'd say so long as shes active and eating you shouldn't be too concerned. Here is a recent thread with discussion about this topic:

That said, if I were you... I'd listen to @kinyonga ! If she's asking for a photo, do that... never know what kind of things she will see!

Best of luck!
My girl went quite a long time from "receptive" colors to actually laying. I'd say so long as shes active and eating you shouldn't be too concerned. Here is a recent thread with discussion about this topic:

That said, if I were you... I'd listen to @kinyonga ! If she's asking for a photo, do that... never know what kind of things she will see!

Best of luck!
Thank you! I’ll get a photo as soon as she wakes up!
Strange that her tail is so thin then.
I'm wondering if she has stopped producing eggs because of the tail being so thin...then I look at her body and wonder. I wish I had an answer for you.
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She had a feceal done recently and came back clean. Would the super thing work?
I would avoid supers as they tend to become highly addictive and lead to strikes. Silkworms, however, are also high in protein which is more likely what she needs to build her tail. They also contain a fair amount of proper fats. But cham tails are lean muscle and if I'm not mistaken, proteins are really what you would need to bulk them up "healthily". To be fair, I don't have an "education" to back that up... just my humble opinion.

Also, this is exactly why when @kinyonga asks, you get to it!! Always good to have another set of eyes, hehe.
With the tail so thin I don't know if I'd cut back on food. There's got to be womeething going on here we're missing. im not a vet and maybe it's time to see one?

She had a feceal done recently and came back clean. Would the super thing work?

Sometimes one fecal isn't enough depending on what stage of its cycle the parasite is in BTW.
A vet visit is in order. He can palpate her, and do radiographs if needed to determine gravidity. He will also have physical eyes on her tail rather than pictures. Although I respect everyone’s input here, I don’t sweat feeding supers every so often. In fact, I think as <15% of total diet, they’re not a bad feeder. Try feeding her a few less dubias, wait until she’s eaten them, then give her a super or two. Honesty though, you should probably see a vet before making any changes...just to be safe. Her tail does look thin, but forum pics are not the best diagnostic tool. My girls’ tails look like that when they flare up and give me that sweet veiled gular action. A vet seeing her in person over several minutes will be able to better judge.

Ps: If it turns out you do need to fatten her up, there are other alternatives to supers: waxies and butters are also fatty with less chitin. I know, I know: butters are irradiated so that’s scary and all, and waxies can have high saccharides, so that’s bad too. Sigh! No food is perfect. Anyways, vet first, then make deliberate conservative choices.
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