How do I makey lizard room cooler?


I have geckos, lizards and turtles in my room. The temperature is 85 degrees sometimes above. I had a jacksons cham that passed away last year and I just figured out it was because it was too hot. My question is, how can I make my room cooler for a new jacksons?
You would need to get the ambient down into the mid 70's during the day and into the 60's at night. Window air conditioners and small portable units can do that for one room easily. Will your other animals handle that ok?
It might be easier to have a Jackson's in another room.
Would 85+ temps really kill a Jackson? I know they require lower temps but I wouldn't think 85 is enough to kill it....
I have geckos, lizards and turtles in my room. The temperature is 85 degrees sometimes above. I had a jacksons cham that passed away last year and I just figured out it was because it was too hot. My question is, how can I make my room cooler for a new jacksons?
What makes you think that heat killed your cham?
I doubt that keeping him in an environment with slightly elevated temps would be enough to kill him “out of nowhere.” How long was he kept in elevated temps?
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