How do you do it?


My chameleon won't eat out of his cup anymore. He only ate one cricket one day and the day after he still did not want the several crickets I put in a cup. He used to take it from there. Now he will only eat it if he sees it out int he open, somewhere in the enclosure. Whether that be on a leaf, stick, walls, or my hand. But not the cup.

Any similar experiences, or thoughts? Any methods of getting him to eat out of it?
He likes the hunt- My jackson never likes using a cup - I feed her a couple of worms (silk or horns) off my hand and let her have some fun with the crickets
The only time any of my Jackson's ate out of a cup was when i introduced a new food item; the sight of catching something different peeked their curiosity and they ate from it, once or twice. After that, as kplatvoet said, they preferred to hunt.

Some will do it all the time, some will do it occasionally and others will never do it. It's just a personal preference thing.
I had the same problem. Every time I would hand feed him since I wanted to monitor exactly how much he would eat but after a while I couldn't be there to feed him all the time. So I started putting the crickets in a weirdly shaped cup, so they don't get out and he wouldn't go near them. If you give him a day or so his tummy is gonna get the best of him and he's gonna eat it out of anything.
I had the same problem. Every time I would hand feed him since I wanted to monitor exactly how much he would eat but after a while I couldn't be there to feed him all the time. So I started putting the crickets in a weirdly shaped cup, so they don't get out and he wouldn't go near them. If you give him a day or so his tummy is gonna get the best of him and he's gonna eat it out of anything.

That was my thinking also, but i've had chams that were so stubborn they would go almost a week without eating out of the cup, despite being obviously hungry.
Yeah they can be stubborn :D and really frustrating for people, since for a good sized chammy a week with no food isn't that much :D
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