what type of "setup" do you have to keep a supply of them available? or do you just make frequent trips to the bail shop??
i'd like to see picks if anyone has some to share...
If you want to breed them its not that bad if you have somewhere to keep them because they stink and make alot of noise. I use a small rubbermaid bin and I cut out all 4 sides and put screen on them all. I also attached a buld to the top inside so it stays hot and dry in there which helps with smell.
I just keep them in an aquarium with empty egg cartons and some carrots and celery sticks.. AND YES THEY DO SMELL but i dont mind the noise its quite peaceful.
I buy in bulk and keep in rubber made tote with screen top. I wouldnt breed crix. They stink and they are messy, noisy. I would just buy in bulk its cheap and easy. If you wanna breed an easy feeder try dubias. They have a lot less pungent odor. Yes, they do smell but not like a cricket bin. They are much better feeder than crix. Im getting my colony going now. I cant wait til its up and running so i can cut back on crix. Try to keep at least 3 feeders on hand so your chams dont burn out on any one feed item.
i don't really want to breed the crickets, just have them on hand to feed..
would just acquiring a couple dozen at a time and put them in an aquarium with the suggested food items to gutload them be ok? feed them up b4 starting again with another lot...
how far advanced of feeding the crickets to the chameleon do the crickets need to be gutloaded? is gutloading something that's done constantly or just b4 feeding the chameleon?
I dont take crix out of my bin to specifically gut load for feeding. I gutload at all times. I feel you should treat your feeders well because that is ultimately what is going to make your cham healthy and less susceptible to nutrition deficiencies. I have a dry gutload in my bin and also mix up my wet with romaine, apples, strawberries, sweet potato, carrots, greens, etc...
i do think that crix should have a min of 24hrs in my care and feeding them my mix before i feed them off. So just dont let yourself run out. go get more 2 days before your supplys gone .
thanks soo much Texas Panther Man!!!!!!
you've been soo helpful with all of my "beginner" questiions!!!!!
i really appreciate all of the helpful responces i've gotten from this board!!!!
I second always feeding ur feeders good its kinda like any feeder you dont only feed them good right before the butcher. You want all the nutrition to soak into there muscles.