New Member
Hey ive had my cham for a little over a month. It is a juvinile Panther cham. He is eating great and everything. Shedding regularly also.
My only concern is how much does he have to drink? i have a ficus benjimina tree in his enlosure for him as a main plant with vines and stuff for him to climp on. I have his cage hooked up to my mistking misting system which goes on 5 time a day for 15 seconds. Is this enough for him? Is there any way for me to know if hes dehydrated or not? I have been using a drip system aswell but thats annoying cause it overfills to fast and spilled out of the screen cage.
My only concern is how much does he have to drink? i have a ficus benjimina tree in his enlosure for him as a main plant with vines and stuff for him to climp on. I have his cage hooked up to my mistking misting system which goes on 5 time a day for 15 seconds. Is this enough for him? Is there any way for me to know if hes dehydrated or not? I have been using a drip system aswell but thats annoying cause it overfills to fast and spilled out of the screen cage.